No bonuses or long-term incentives from PTSB in 2015

Chief executive Jeremy Masding received €452,000 in remuneration last year

Jeremy Masding’s basic salary was unchanged on €400,000 while his other remuneration

Permanent TSB paid its chief executive Jeremy Masding €452,000 in total remuneration last year, a reduction of €1,000 on 2014.

Mr Masding’s basic salary was unchanged on €400,000 while his other remuneration, which includes employer pension contributions and taxable expenses, reduced to €52,000 from €53,000 in the previous year.

His other remuneration comprised a pension payment of €48,000, taxable expenses of €3,500 and a benefit-in-kind sum of €500.

Details of executive pay were included in PTSB’s annual report for 2015, published today.


It showed that former chief financial officer Glen Lucken received €329,000 in remuneration last year, down from €442,000 in 2014.

The report states that Mr Lucken stepped down from the board last September and was entitled to a payment of €402,500 on termination of his employment in lieu of notice.

PTSB chairman Alan Cook received €180,000 in fees for last year, the same level as in 2014.

The bank paid its non-executive directors €574,000 in 2015, up from €565,000 in the previous year.

The bank is 75 per cent owned by the State and adheres to the Government’s €500,000 cap on executive salaries.

No bonuses or long-term incentives were paid to executives during 2015 and there were no share options in place for directors.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times