‘I would like to have another child and childcare is certainly an issue’

Karena McCarthy from Cork is impressed by extension of free GP care

Karena McCarthy: “I pay four hundred a month part time. I hear parents all the time saying they are working to pay childcare.”
Karena McCarthy: “I pay four hundred a month part time. I hear parents all the time saying they are working to pay childcare.”

Mother of one Karena McCarthy from Ballincollig, Co Cork welcomed the Budget announcement of an extension to the Early Childcare and Education Scheme which will see free childcare for children aged three to five years stressing it was “fantastic news” for cash strapped parents.

Karena, who works in a crèche, said she was disappointed at a personal level as her son Fionn who is three could have benefited from the scheme over the last few months.

“It would have been a great help if it was already introduced this year. I would like to have another child and childcare is certainly an issue in my decision with my husband. I pay four hundred a month part time. I hear parents all the time saying they are working to pay childcare. You feel sorry for people. Having the kids free from three is a help.”

Karena also said she was impressed with the decision to extend free GP care to children up to the age of twelve.


“I brought Fionn to the doctor recently and it was a relief to only have to pay for the prescription. I used to talk to parents all the time who were worried about the cost of the doctor. They were be thinking twice about whether they needed to bring a kid if he had a temperature. My husband Garret thinks it should be means tested but overall it’s a good thing.”

Karena also welcomed the decision to increase the child benefit saying in an age of austerity “you wouldn’t be refusing any help.”

She also expressed satisfaction at the announcement of paid paternity leave of a fortnight.

“You see parents coming in to the crèche with babies and the mothers have more of a bond as they have been able to spend time with them. I always feel sorry for the dads. People like my husband, who is a carpenter, have to work long hours and they do miss out. Like most parents we are right down to the penny. I would like another child but we are always saying ‘Can we afford it?’”