For your diary

A round up of business events happening this week

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary: results due Monday. Photograph: EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

TODAY Results: Alphabet; Bankia; LG; Ryanair; Universal. Indicators: Irish Investec manufacturing PMI (Jan); German Markit manufacturing PMI (Jan); euro zone Markit manufacturing PMI (Jan); UK Bank of England consumer credit (Dec); US Markit manufacturing PMI (Jan)

TOMORROW Results: Amdocs; BP; Gilead Sciences; Givaudan; Mallinckrodt; Michael Kors; Pfizer; UBS Group; United Parcel Service; Yahoo! Meetings: UDG Healthcare agm (Westbury Hotel, Dublin); Business opportunities with India breakfast (Clayton Hotel, Galway). Indicators: German unemployment rate (Jan); Irish unemployment rate (Jan); euro zone unemployment rate (Dec). Other: UDG Healthcare trading update; Bank of Japan policy meeting minutes.

WEDNESDAY Results: CBRE Group; GlaxoSmithKline; HTC; Jones Lang LaSalle; Merck; Mondelez International; Syngenta. Meetings: Limerick Chamber business breakfast (Castletroy Park Hotel). Indicators: Irish Investec Services PMI (Jan); euro zone Markit Services PMI (Jan); euro zone retail sales (Dec); US Markit services PMI (Dec). THURSDAY Results: AstraZeneca; Boston Scientific; ConocoPhillips; Daimler; Elizabeth Arden; Gartner; Ralph Lauren; Royal Dutch Shell. Meetings: Hospitality Expo (RDS); Student Summit (Dublin Castle). Indicators: US initial jobless claims (Jan 30); US factory orders (Dec); Euro zone retail PMI (Jan). Other: Bank of England interest rate decision; Bank of England inflation report

FRIDAY Results: Aon; BNP Paribas; Estee Lauder; Moody's. Meetings: Dublin Chamber agm dinner (Intercontinental Hotel, Dublin 4). Indicators: Irish industrial production (Dec); German factory orders (Dec); US balance of trade (Dec); US non-farm payrolls (Jan); US unemployment rate (Jan).