Business giant gets set to roar

He may not have sprung many surprises in the Budget but the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, is certain to face criticism on…

He may not have sprung many surprises in the Budget but the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, is certain to face criticism on one front. The decision to abolish the ceiling on employers' PRSI contributions has not found favour with employers - specifically the lobby group IBEC and the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland.

The biggest surprise is that, failing to learn from previous mistakes, the Minister apparently chose not to square his measures with those it will affect before the event.

Now IBEC is threatening to walk away from partnership if the PRSI proposal is not softened in the Finance Bill, even if its threat sounds vaguely hollow. More importantly, the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland is intent on reversing the proposal.

The minister says companies will benefit from the fall in corporation tax, offsetting the impact of the PRSI changes.


But many of the 400-plus US companies driving our economy forward in many sectors already avail of a special low corporation tax rate and therefore the will feel only pain from the Budget.

With the amount of US money invested here and the squeeze those companies are already feeling with labour shortages, rising wages and currency transfers undermined by a weak euro, the chamber may become a force to be reckoned with for Mr McCreevy.

Dominic Coyle

Dominic Coyle

Dominic Coyle is Deputy Business Editor of The Irish Times