Irish Monsanto company pays no tax

Dublin firm tax resident in Bermuda

Monsanto Finance Holdings is owned by Monsanto of St Louis Missouri. The Irish firm paid no tax in 2011 or 2012 and has no employees. Its three directors have addresses in Bermuda. Photograph: Getty Images
Monsanto Finance Holdings is owned by Monsanto of St Louis Missouri. The Irish firm paid no tax in 2011 or 2012 and has no employees. Its three directors have addresses in Bermuda. Photograph: Getty Images

Monsanto Finance Holdings Ltd, an Irish-incorporated company with an address on Lower Hatch Street, Dublin, made a profit of €2.5 million in 2012 but paid no tax, according to accounts just filed.

The firm made a profit of €3.69 million in 2011, when it again paid no tax.

Monsanto Finance Holdings is “exempt from all forms of taxation including income, capital gains and withholding taxes as it is tax resident in Bermuda”, the accounts state.

The firm has no employees and its three directors have addresses in Bermuda.


The firm’s balance sheet shows that at the end of August 2012 it had financial assets of €50.8 million. Accumulated profits at that stage were €53.3 million and shareholders’ funds were €103 million. The firm is owned by a Monsanto company based in Switzerland, and is ultimately owed by Monsanto of St Louis, Missouri, US.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent