Amicable resolution in dispute between vegetable company and manager

Begley’s had suspended technical manager last month

On consent of the sides, Mr Justice O’Moore discharged the undertakings and struck out the proceedings. Photograph: iStock

A dispute between fruit and vegetable distributor Begley's and its technical manager has been resolved amicably, the High Court has been told.

Agnieszka Luz had denied any wrongdoing following allegations by her employer that she forwarded some confidential company information to her personal email.

Terway Unlimited Company, trading as Begley's Distribution, last month obtained interim orders ex parte (one side only represented) against Ms Luz requiring her to preserve the information and not disclose it. Earlier that same day, it had suspended her.

When the matter returned before Mr Justice Brian O'Moore on May 28th, Marguerite Bolger SC, for Ms Luz, Annfield View, Porterstown, Dublin, said her client denied any wrongdoing.


The judge was told the sides had agreed Ms Luz would provide undertakings in lieu of the interim orders and that agreement was without prejudice to the position of either party in the litigation.


The case was further adjourned to Wednesday when Mark Connaughton SC, for Begley’s, told the judge the case had been resolved amicably and both sides wished each other well into the future. There are no outstanding applications concerning Ms Luz and the proceedings could be struck out, he said.

On consent of the sides, Mr Justice O’Moore discharged the undertakings and struck out the proceedings.

The court previously heard Ms Luz started work some 12 to 14 years ago with Begley’s and had held various positions before she was appointed technical manager.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times