Corporate challenge quiz for Dublin Simon Community resumes after pandemic

Annual event has raised more than €600,000 for homelessness charity since it was first held

Quiz master Bryan Dobson, Dublin Simon Community chief executive Catherine Kenny, An Post Retail company secretary Paula Butler and The Reputations Agency director Catherine Walsh get ready for the 20th corporate challenge quiz in aid of Dublin Simon Community. Photograph: Maxwell Photography
Quiz master Bryan Dobson, Dublin Simon Community chief executive Catherine Kenny, An Post Retail company secretary Paula Butler and The Reputations Agency director Catherine Walsh get ready for the 20th corporate challenge quiz in aid of Dublin Simon Community. Photograph: Maxwell Photography

The 20th corporate challenge quiz in aid of Dublin Simon Community is to take place at the GPO in Dublin next month, the Business Journalists Association of Ireland (BJAI) has announced.

RTÉ's Bryan Dobson will act as quizmaster at the event, which takes place on March 22nd following a three-year gap. He will be joined by a surprise adjudicator.

The Reputations Agency is donating event management and public relations services for the eighth year.

The corporate challenge is open to all companies interested in helping to raise funds for Dublin Simon Community. Each year, the quiz night attracts some of the top names from the world of law, business and public relations.


Since the annual event began it has raised more than €600,000 for Dublin Simon Community, which provides life-saving services and support to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Dublin and surrounding counties.

The cost for a corporate table of four is €1,000. A journalist will also join a corporate table and act as an additional team member for the evening’s quiz.

Dublin Simon Community chief executive Catherine Kenny said: “The funds raised on the night help us to provide vital services to those who rely on us each day.

Homelessness in Ireland hits record peak of more than 11,700Opens in new window ]

“Through these donations, combined with the commitment of the business community and the business journalists, we can continue to address homelessness in Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow, Meath, Louth, Cavan and Monaghan, and help to make home a reality for some of the most vulnerable people in our community.”

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter