Sobering consequences of rapidly declining birth rates
World sleepwalking towards social upheaval sparked by extended period of falling births, unless urgent action taken
The huge and menacing threat of bioterrorism
It remains the case that it is not illegal to ship DNA fragments that could be strung together to recreate an entire virus
Water fluoridation to prevent tooth decay remains an important public-health strategy
Water fluoridation was introduced in the mid-20th century and is now a cornerstone of public-health policy in many countries, including Ireland
How biochemistry and molecular biology gave the world insulin
Genetic engineering deployed to insert gene for human insulin into a bacterium, thus harnessing the substance for widespread use
Diversity, equality and inclusion programmes are inappropriate in university culture
New gender equity approach sacrifices equality of opportunity and primacy of scientific excellence, traditional cornerstone criteria for awarding grants
Why have women won so few Nobel Prizes?
Across the first half of the 20th century few women went on to third-level education and, of these, fewer took science degrees
New evidence for the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin
So far nobody has come up with a credible explanation of how the the relic might have been forged
How 485 million years of Earth’s temperature history reveals climate tipping points and extinction risks
At 13.9 degrees, there is much scope for Earth’s surface to get a lot warmer, as demonstrated by new study on its temperature history
Carl and Gerty Cori: a Nobel Prizewinning husband and wife team
Prague-born couple Carl and Gerty advanced knowledge of how the body produces and stores energy. They shared the 1947 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for this work.
Golden rice could save hundreds of thousands of lives every year
Evidence on the genetically modified crop is overwhelming: it poses no dangers while offering fantastic life-saving potential
Are we entering the twilight of diversity, equity and inclusion?
These educational programmes are implemented in the spirit of PC/woke, but that exerts a chilling effect on free expression of ideas
Intermittent short bursts of exercise dramatically improve your health
Latest discovery represents most exciting and important health news announced for some time
Happiness is not considered to be an important goal in some cultures
Some researchers have found that striving to achieve happiness leads to thinking that time is scarce, which produces unhappiness
Barbara McClintock was an incandescent genius. Why was her work rebuffed?
Like Einstein before her, the geneticist relied a lot on a very vivid imagination, supplemented with intensely hard work, and might have been autistic
Multivitamin supplements are little more than expensive placebos
The average person eating a balanced diet is in no need of vitamin supplementation