Met Éireann records show recent storm not the biggest‘Worst’ storm for windspeed and damage most likely ‘the big wind of 1839’Fri Feb 14 2014 - 01:00
Coastal damage aid for public works onlyCommittee worried about harbours and piers in public use, but not public ownershipFri Feb 14 2014 - 01:00
Restrictive law rules to end, says ShatterMinister says barristers and solicitors would work alongside each other in new practicesThu Feb 13 2014 - 01:43
Shatter ‘disappointed’ at lawyer opposition to legal reformMinister outlines reforms in way barristers may be required to operate in futureWed Feb 12 2014 - 18:40
Motorists in fruitless, but deadly bid to avoid tollsM50 toll company says ‘tailgating’ motorists are risking their lives and lives of othersFri Feb 07 2014 - 16:01
Dublin Port to remain dominant - TDs toldNew roads and Dublin Tunnel make it more attractive then ever to use Dublin portThu Feb 06 2014 - 08:29
Defences needed as floods set to become more frequent, expert saysCoincidence of low pressure, spring tides, rising seas and heavy rain becoming more frequentTue Feb 04 2014 - 01:01
Batten down the hatches – more rain and gales are comingMet Éireann records new maximum wave height of 23.4 metres off the northwest coastMon Feb 03 2014 - 01:01
Businesses flooded for second time in three weeksHomes evacuated in Limerick as tidal swells hit, west sweeping away coastal defencesMon Feb 03 2014 - 01:01
Dwyer sent forward for trial over Elaine O’Hara murderEight-volume book of evidence served on architect who faces one chargeWed Jan 29 2014 - 12:26
Ex-gardaí list CB radio failings in Smithwick inquiryEx-gardaí say there is ‘no verifiable’ evidence to support Smithwick theoryWed Jan 29 2014 - 01:00
DUP ‘disappointed’ at criticism of SmithwickDonaldson says Government should ‘follow though’ on findingsWed Jan 29 2014 - 01:00
Former detective to appeal any denial of Smithwick Tribunal costsDecision to deny costs to Owen Corrigan would be challenged, counsel warnsMon Jan 27 2014 - 22:13
Smithwick Tribunal hears clashes on costsTribunal told Owen Corrigan prepared to challenge tribunal if legal fees are deniedMon Jan 27 2014 - 19:50
Primary teachers should use religious class time to teach maths, says QuinnAnnual conference of principals also told not one school had yet changed patronage since beginning of dialogue, in spite of significant parental support for moveSat Jan 25 2014 - 01:01
Points inquiry is ‘grossly unfair’, says CallinanCommissioner defends force’s handling of the penalty points controversyThu Jan 23 2014 - 14:30
Evidence of the terror at Clare farmer’s home remains two years after attacksSupporters of elderly call for a coordinated response to the case of Michael McMahonWed Jan 22 2014 - 01:10
‘Simple solution’ to airports pension rowVaradkar says Aer Lingus and DAA have to pay more, and workers will have to take lessMon Jan 20 2014 - 18:44
Local authorities share €115m in parking feesClamping costs councils but parking pays, as Dublin City nets more than €20m a yearMon Jan 20 2014 - 11:42
‘No decision’ made on domestic water tariffs - TánaisteIrish Water must be ‘transparent’ and ’accountable’, Gilmore saysSun Jan 19 2014 - 14:28
CRC donors have right to see where money went - GilmoreTánaiste stops short of calling on Paul Kiely to return €742,000 payoff from charitySun Jan 19 2014 - 13:34
Aventas Group to spend €16m on Quinn Cement factory in CavanGroup says up to €50million to be invested in the next five years as demand increasesThu Jan 16 2014 - 01:08
Former NCT worker alleges racial abuseVehicle tester alleged staff at Deansgrange NCT in Dublin made ‘monkey sounds’Wed Jan 15 2014 - 11:02
Alleged unfair dismissal case opens before employment tribunalEmployee of national car testing service Applus alleges colleagues made ‘monkey noises’Tue Jan 14 2014 - 13:36
New fleet of Coast Guard helicopters take to skiesSikorsky S92 helicopters are described as a flying ambulanceMon Jan 13 2014 - 20:32
Varadkar: people will see the benefits of Irish Water ‘in time’Minister for Transport says people will see the benefits, but ’maybe not immediately’Mon Jan 13 2014 - 16:23
Depression, anxiety top calls to health lineService provider says increase in queries is as sign people are talking about mental healthMon Jan 13 2014 - 10:28
Cabinet to be briefed on coastal damage costsEU Solidarity Fund may contribute to repairs - but ’only if the Government applies quickly’Wed Jan 08 2014 - 01:00
County-by-county guide as big weather clean-up beginsCouncils in worst-affected areas say it’s too early to count the overall cost of the damageWed Jan 08 2014 - 01:00
Cost of storm damage could run to hundreds of millionsMEPs say EU Solidarity Fund may help with the cost of repairs to coastal defencesTue Jan 07 2014 - 18:48
Emergency group to meet on weatherGovernment’s inter-agency group will co-ordinate response to storm damageMon Jan 06 2014 - 18:59
Four in total before courts in relation to Tallaght deathBail granted despite objections that one defendant had previously abscondedFri Jan 03 2014 - 18:53
Road deaths must prompt new thinkingA culture of personal responsibility should trump the question : “Will I get caught? ”Thu Jan 02 2014 - 01:00
€2.175m contract for Killarney House restorationMoney will see final phase of work to restore historic buildings and pleasure gardensTue Dec 31 2013 - 01:02
Heatwaves and droughts, spring cold and late autumn glory – a year for all seasonsWho knew that the stubbornly cold spring would lead to a stunning summer?Mon Dec 30 2013 - 23:07
Simon says homeless services ‘at breaking point’Charity says a 60 per cent increase in homelessness in Dublin coincided with cutsFri Dec 20 2013 - 01:00
No safety limits on numbers carried in trainsIarnród Éireann’s position on passenger numbers supported by Railway Safety CommissionFri Dec 20 2013 - 01:00
Dart services delayed for up to an hour because of signal faultCommuters complain of being left sitting on train with the doors open in very cold conditionsThu Dec 19 2013 - 11:48
Varadkar rules out new road tolls or chargesMinister says public transport will have to be improved before transport carbon chargesWed Dec 18 2013 - 15:12
Tipperary woman becomes 30 millionth Luas passenger19-year-old given annual pass for Dublin tramsWed Dec 18 2013 - 15:04
New law ‘within weeks’ to combat supermarket price warsMinister says vegetable growers are ‘right to be concerned’ about below-cost sellingWed Dec 18 2013 - 10:39
Nostalgic moment for Muckross ‘old girls’End of an era as part of old school building is demolishedTue Dec 17 2013 - 01:01
Shatter advises media on terrorist namesMinister says calling ‘terrorist thugs’ by the name ‘Óglaigh na hÉireann’ is wrongTue Dec 17 2013 - 01:00
Browne names The Irish Times Newspaper of the YearPraise for reporters including Kitty Holland, Carl O’Brien and Martin WallTue Dec 17 2013 - 00:21
South County Dublin council workers pledge to take further action in pay rowOutdoor staff claim Christmas pay has been ’docked’ because of a clerical disputeFri Dec 13 2013 - 01:00
Council workers protest over ‘docked’ Christmas payStaff occupy South Dublin County Council offices in dispute over timesheetsThu Dec 12 2013 - 15:59
Gardaí set up M1 sting to target errant driversMotorway checkpoint designed to remind drivers gardaí will be watching at ChristmasWed Dec 11 2013 - 20:09
Drivers face 10 years in jail for ‘leaving scene’New penalty will remove temptation for drivers to leave the scene of a crashWed Dec 11 2013 - 18:29
Number of shots fired at Glasnevin hotelGardaí seeking witnesses to the attack which took place in the early hoursTue Dec 10 2013 - 12:10
Founder of Bóthar says staff getting hate mail and phone callsCRC top-up scandal hitting wide range of charitiesTue Dec 10 2013 - 09:28