Home sorting to go on in rural post disputeAn Post is to continue sorting rural postal deliveries in postal workers' homes throughout next week, in a worsening of the company…Sat Nov 09 2002 - 00:00
Unions angry but businesses greet proposalsUnions at the State-owned transport companies have reacted angrily to Mr Brennan's proposals to radically reform public transport…Fri Nov 08 2002 - 00:00
CIE abolished, Dublin Bus monopoly to endThe Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan, has announced the abolition of the State-owned transport company CIÉ and the ending of…Fri Nov 08 2002 - 00:00
Green TDs chained to O'Connell Street treesGreen Party TDs yesterday chained themselves to trees in Dublin's O'Connell Street in an attempt to reverse the city council'…Thu Nov 07 2002 - 00:00
Motorists in Dublin may face charges for road use"Road-pricing", the controversial system whereby motorists pay to use certain roads, may be introduced in Dublin city-centre …Wed Nov 06 2002 - 00:00
Freeflow system faces its toughest test so farOperation Freeflow 2002, which gets under way in the first week of December, is set to be the most difficult to implement in …Wed Nov 06 2002 - 00:00
'Value-for-money spending' is urgedPoor value for money, inflation and delays may be the hallmarks of the National Development Plan at mid-term, but the Government…Sat Nov 02 2002 - 00:00
State's €50bn investment programme criticisedCost overruns, poor value for money and little progress, especially in the areas of road building, waste management and tourism…Fri Nov 01 2002 - 00:00
Plan to elect mayors may face legal testCounty councillors may initiate a High Court challenge to Government proposals for directly-elected mayors, the director of the…Fri Nov 01 2002 - 00:00
Stena announces new €100m vessel for Irish SeaCompetition among shipping lines on the Dublin to Holyhead crossing of the Irish Sea is about to intensify - if only among those…Thu Oct 31 2002 - 00:00
Work on moving pipelines from the route nearly doneWork on moving the underground water, gas, electricity and telecom pipelines from the entire Luas route is virtually complete…Tue Oct 29 2002 - 00:00
Luas trams may run every five minutes - but not until 2004The advertisements promised that the Luas trams would start running in Dublin in 2003, but it now seems it will be 2004 before…Tue Oct 29 2002 - 00:00
Minister to give details today of the new penalty points systemThe Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan, is to announce details of the penalty points system for speeding drivers today, regardless…Tue Oct 29 2002 - 00:00
Penalty points to proceed despite AGSI viewThe Department of Transport has said it is "surprised" at the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors "negative approach…Sat Oct 26 2002 - 01:00
Pipe repairs will cause water problem in DublinHomes and businesses in a wide area of south Co Dublin and east Kildare will have their water supplies reduced, with a possible…Sat Oct 26 2002 - 01:00
Bus Eireann says timetable at breaking pointBus Éireann's morning commuter and long-distance services are now up to one-and-a-half hours late and its timetable is at breaking…Fri Oct 25 2002 - 01:00
Two arrested in Garda inquiry into dumpingGardaí investigating illegal dumping in west Wicklow arrested two men in Mullingar, Co Westmeath, early yesterday morning.Thu Oct 24 2002 - 01:00
Speeding is the big killer on hazardous roadwayThe road from the outskirts of Wexford town to New Ross is largely straight, wide and flat.Thu Oct 24 2002 - 01:00
Busy south-east route tops fatalities tableThe State's worst road for fatal accidents is the N25 through the south-east - the road on which the Taoiseach's general election…Thu Oct 24 2002 - 01:00
Up to 10,000 jobs in construction seen at riskEmployment in the construction industry may fall by 10,000 jobs this year if current trends continue, the Construction Industry…Sat Oct 19 2002 - 01:00
EU body seeks data on motorway projectThe European Commission has written to the Department of Transport seeking clarification of the route selection process, which…Fri Oct 18 2002 - 01:00
Anti-Nice campaigner calls EU accession an 'economic servitude'The anti-Nice campaigner Mr Anthony Coughlan has told a Czech journal that accession to the EU would require the Czech people…Thu Oct 17 2002 - 01:00
Food safety group issues warning about E.coli risk in minced beef and burgersThe Food Safety Authority has issued a "strong warning" of the danger of potentially fatal ETue Oct 15 2002 - 01:00
'Plan B' without Nice unconstitutional-RocheThe only prospect for enlargement of the EU is the Nice Treaty, and if it is rejected this State would face a constitutional …Fri Oct 11 2002 - 01:00
Penalty points system will only be for speedingThe penalty points system for drivers will be introduced by the Minister for Transport's October deadline - but only just.Thu Oct 10 2002 - 01:00
New refuse scheme for Wicklow will be pay by weightThe State's first regular, door-to-door, pay-by-weight refuse collection is to be introduced in County Wicklow early next year…Thu Oct 10 2002 - 01:00
Builder puts up anti-war banner in DublinA banner overlooking Dublin's Millennium Bridge and proclaiming: "No to War" and "No to Nice" as well as "No to American Terrorism…Tue Oct 08 2002 - 01:00
Adams appeals for calm approach in dealing with crisisThe Sinn Féin leader, Mr Gerry Adams, last night appealed for all parties to the Belfast Agreement to "be calm" in their approach…Tue Oct 08 2002 - 01:00
Preferred by-pass option to be routed north of CarrickThe preferred route of the Carrick-on-Shannon by-pass has been announced by Roscommon and Leitrim county councils as a by-pass…Tue Oct 08 2002 - 01:00
Port company may drop navigation channelA proposed navigation channel from Clontarf Yacht and Boat Club into Dublin Bay was "not an essential" and could be dropped, …Tue Oct 08 2002 - 01:00
Eight Sadler's Wells colts attackedEight colts, the progeny of racehorse Sadler's Wells and collectively valued at between €4 million and €6 million have been attacked…Mon Oct 07 2002 - 01:00
Russborough closes as Beit collection paintings removedThe Beit art collection has been temporarily removed from Russborough, the stately home in Co Wicklow which was robbed in the…Sat Oct 05 2002 - 01:00
Car dealerships, chemist and insurance firm finedTwo car dealerships, a chemist and an insurance brokerage have been convicted in Dublin District Court for breaches of consumer…Sat Oct 05 2002 - 01:00
Jackson Way compensation claim scheduled for hearing next weekA compensation claim for up to €118 million from the controversial Jackson Way Properties Ltd is to be heard before an arbitrator…Wed Oct 02 2002 - 01:00
Embattled Burke says thanks, but no thanksMr Ray Burke swung open the door of his home in Drumcondra, north Dublin yesterday full of his trademark bonhomie.Tue Oct 01 2002 - 01:00
Dev's 1933 bowl comes full circle"Stadium a national necessity," cried the newspaper headline. "Our duty to the youth of the country," said the sub-heading.Mon Sept 30 2002 - 01:00
An Taisce highlights failure to protect heritageCarton House has not been included in a list of protected structures, as required by the Planning and Development Act, because…Sat Sept 28 2002 - 01:00
SIPTU to oppose tax on child benefitSIPTU has warned it is prepared to "strenuously oppose" any proposals to tax child benefit, which it said was a combination of…Wed Sept 25 2002 - 01:00
Group decries labour mobility pledgeIreland would be the only English-speaking country committed to full labour mobility throughout an expanded Europe, if the Nice…Tue Sept 24 2002 - 01:00
Kitt urges the Government to rethink Carrickmines siteThe Minister of State, Mr Tom Kitt, has called on the Government to give more consideration to possible ways of saving the archaeological…Sat Sept 21 2002 - 01:00
MEP refers M50 decision to EUMr Proinsias De Rossa MEP has called for a full inquiry into the circumstances of the route selection of the South Eastern Motorway…Thu Sept 19 2002 - 01:00
State agency warned of castle dangerA group of conservationists who are opposed to the building of the M50 motorway through the archaeological site of Carrickmines…Wed Sept 18 2002 - 01:00
Work on M50 not likely to end until 2005The final leg of the M50, Dublin's C-ring motorway, is not now likely to be completed until 2005 as a result of a dispute between…Tue Sept 17 2002 - 01:00
O Cuiv Yes vote follows Government assurancesThe Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Ó Cuív, has elaborated on why he changed his mind on the Nice Treaty…Sat Sept 14 2002 - 01:00
Shoppers pause to remember victimsThere was a muted reaction to the first anniversary of the September 11th attacks in the St Stephen's Green and Grafton Street…Thu Sept 12 2002 - 01:00
Project to develop training for work criticisedSignificant parts of a €10 billion Employment and Human Resources Development Programme, funded under the National Development…Thu Sept 12 2002 - 01:00
Cork hosts development seminarAt a seminar on regional development beginning in Cork today, issues ranging from the future of regional airports to the location…Thu Sept 12 2002 - 01:00
Government 'not paying its way'Dublin City is facing a cash crisis - partly because the Government will not pay rates on its offices and public buildings, according…Wed Sept 11 2002 - 01:00
Ennis puts success down to shared responsibility and is going DutchFor members of Ennis Tidy Towns Committee in Co Clare, yesterday's win was but a dress rehearsal for the international Entente…Tue Sept 10 2002 - 01:00
Few clues to who would be the big winnersWhat does it take to win the Tidy Towns Competition? This was the question every one was asking as they waited for the results…Tue Sept 10 2002 - 01:00