Intercounty travel? Barbecues? Pints? What you can and can’t do this bank holiday weekendTen things you might be planning for the weekend and whether they are allowedFri Apr 30 2021 - 06:02
Will the new EU chemicals strategy make our world less toxic?Move aims to address gaps in the regulation of chemicals in products on EU marketThu Apr 29 2021 - 01:00
Creative projects assisting with grief during the pandemicIrish Hospice Foundation has given grants to individuals and communities to find new ways to express and share lossTue Apr 27 2021 - 06:01
Ireland’s four Covid-19 vaccines: Supply, efficacy and side effectsExplainer: The best vaccine is the one that you are offered, say public-health doctorsMon Apr 26 2021 - 06:01
Wildlife activist Padraic Fogarty casts a cold eye on public policyCampaigner says we have been conned by ‘capitalist system that doesn’t serve nature or people’Sat Apr 24 2021 - 06:00
Covid-19 vaccines: After all the recent changes, when am I due my jab?When will I be vaccinated and why hasn’t it happened yet? 10 key questions answeredFri Apr 23 2021 - 06:01
Covid-19: ‘We have to ask ourselves what acceptable mortality rates are’Dr Eoghan de Barra outlines what the healthcare future might hold for usTue Apr 20 2021 - 06:01
‘Phenomenal amount of work’ to keep Covid out of Australia, says public health directorIrish-born consultant credits the country’s strict hotel quarantining and free walk-in testing for suppressing virusMon Apr 19 2021 - 20:15
Risk of infection is nothing new for people with cystic fibrosisLiving and working with CF during the coronavirus pandemicWed Apr 07 2021 - 06:01
Fresh air is vital to keeping schools safe. Is opening windows enough?Parents and teachers have raised questions about the quality of ventilation in classrooms to protect against Covid-19Tue Mar 30 2021 - 00:00
Five experts, five tips: How to maintain good respiratory healthGood asthma control can eliminate flare-ups and reduce symptoms, allowing patients to live life to the fullMon Mar 29 2021 - 06:01
Finding a route to get through brain fogFuzzy thinking can often be dismissed by doctors, says neuroscientist Sabina BrennanMon Mar 15 2021 - 06:01
Five experts, five tips: How to maintain good digestive healthFoods high in fibre and rich in probiotics are key to boosting digestion and healthMon Mar 15 2021 - 06:01
Post-pandemic Ireland: 16 sweet ideas to improve our countryWhen Ireland returns to normal, it should be a better place than it used to beSun Mar 14 2021 - 06:00
Ireland’s first female neurosurgeon on high-stakes surgery and gaining trust‘I have a role to encourage other women into this specialty,’ says Catherine MoranMon Mar 08 2021 - 06:01
Wood burning stoves: The inconvenient truth about the homely heaterProposed new regulations will bring tighter control over what can and can’t be burnedSat Feb 27 2021 - 06:00
Online classes to raise awareness of abuse of women within relationshipsClasses include yoga, Pilates, pregnancy movement and post-natal workoutFri Feb 26 2021 - 17:20
How many masks should you wear while out and about this weekend?Fine weather has seen large numbers venturing outdoors, yet the infection rate is still highFri Feb 26 2021 - 00:06
‘Want a lift?’ Five potentially infectious social scenarios, and how to get out of themCovid-19: It's easy to suddenly find yourself in a risky situation. Not so easy to wriggle out of itFri Feb 12 2021 - 06:01
Five experts, five tips: How to maintain good musculoskeletal healthPart three of a series where health professionals share their tips for a healthy lifestyleThu Feb 11 2021 - 06:01
‘It was a nightmare’: A hidden life-threatening illnessUnder-diagnosis of other diseases is a growing concern as doctors battle Covid-19Wed Feb 10 2021 - 06:01
Covid-19 vaccination: Who gets the jab first in different countries? And why?French taxi drivers will be early vaccine recipients. Some US teachers already got theirsSun Feb 07 2021 - 06:00
What will a visit to your GP’s surgery be like post-Covid?Waiting rooms full of patients spreading their viruses will be a thing of the pastTue Feb 02 2021 - 06:01
Dara McAnulty: ‘The wonder of the natural world makes it worth fighting for’People with autism ‘don’t bite – much’, says teenage naturalist Dara McAnultyFri Jan 29 2021 - 20:50
Luke O’Neill: ‘We will be back in beer gardens with friends in June’‘If nobody left their house for three weeks, the virus would go away but that’s impossible’Fri Jan 29 2021 - 06:00
Stammering: It’s just a different way of talkingA new approach encourages us to embrace the way people with a stammer speakThu Jan 28 2021 - 06:01
Edith Eger: ‘In Auschwitz, I discovered they couldn’t murder my spirit’The Holocaust survivor shared her life’s wisdom at The Irish Times Winter Nights FestivalWed Jan 27 2021 - 06:00
Sonia O’Sullivan: ‘At the Sydney Olympics I didn’t have the killer instinct’Athlete gave whistle-stop tour of life on opening night of Irish Times Winter Nights festivalTue Jan 26 2021 - 06:00
Beyond the guidelines: How not to get Covid-19 this weekendDon’t meet friends or loved ones. Avoid busy outdoor areas. Wear masks, even outdoorsFri Jan 22 2021 - 05:45
Focus intensifies on impact of tiny plastics on human bodyIrish researchers helping international effort to close knowledge gapThu Jan 21 2021 - 06:00
Five experts, five tips: Heart experts on good heart healthHealth professionals share their tips for a healthy lifestyleWed Jan 20 2021 - 06:01
Sitting up straight does not prevent or treat back pain, study findsThere is not one ‘safe’ or ‘proper’ way to sit when it comes to back painTue Jan 19 2021 - 17:00
Five experts, five tips: GPs on keeping well – mentally and physically‘Younger women need to be aware of starting their CervicalCheck screening when they are 25’Tue Jan 05 2021 - 06:00
Smoking: Seven ways to help you quit in 2021Better health to big savings: the benefits of quitting cigarettes are well-documentedFri Jan 01 2021 - 06:01
Pulling the plug on that Christmas splurge: 10 tips for healthy eating‘Meal planning and preparing foods in advance can help take away the temptation of takeaways’Wed Dec 30 2020 - 06:01
‘Let me pass gently into the light’All proceeds of new anthology of poems, edited by geriatricians, will go to age-related charitiesWed Dec 23 2020 - 06:01
How to safely host family and friends in your home during Christmas in the time of CovidMake Christmas merrier this year by taking extra careThu Dec 17 2020 - 06:00
Period poverty: ‘It’s important products are readily accessible at no cost like toilet roll or soap’Scotland recently became the first country in the world to make period products free – will Ireland follow suit?Wed Dec 16 2020 - 06:01
Zoom singalongs helping older people overcome pandemic isolationThe NCH’s Tea Dance Tunes on Zoom are bringing music into homes and care facilitiesWed Dec 09 2020 - 06:01
‘We have to make sure we are the oracle on scientific information about vaccines’Dubliner Emer Cooke is first woman to hold the job of European Medicines Agency chiefMon Dec 07 2020 - 06:01
Where to get your Irish Christmas tree and how to make it lastThe practice of bringing trees indoors in Ireland and Britain dates to Victorian timesSat Dec 05 2020 - 06:00
YMCA mentoring helping young people turn their lives aroundMentoring programme ‘gives young people a safe space to articulate their feelings’Wed Dec 02 2020 - 06:01
GPs concerned about low uptake of free children’s flu vaccineImmunising children will also protect adults, says Dr Nuala O’ConnorFri Nov 27 2020 - 06:01
Online choir music to the ears of Irish doctors during the pandemicIn advance of its virtual concert on Nov 29th, members of the Irish Doctors Choir enthuse about the impact of a vital social outletWed Nov 25 2020 - 06:01
Dozens of schools to introduce ‘no idling’ zones under campaign to tackle air pollutionClean Air Week seeks to highlight traffic pollutants caused by cars at schoolsSun Nov 22 2020 - 17:17
Pandemic highlights importance of mobile phone contact for elderlyMissing contact details pose challenge for Covid-19 testing and contact-tracing systemsFri Nov 20 2020 - 11:30
Meet the teenage social innovators changing the narrativeLazy and entitled? Not these millennials, whose projects display concern for othersTue Nov 10 2020 - 00:00
Ireland poised to be first in the world to map its entire seabedInfomar project, to be completed by 2026, will help predict impact of storms and floodsThu Nov 05 2020 - 06:00
Fungie and me, by the photographer who made him famousRonan Quinlan’s photos helped make the now missing Dingle dolphin a household nameSun Nov 01 2020 - 06:00
How can organisations create a culture of equality while working remotely?Women in the Workplace report reveals the gender imbalance of working from homeThu Oct 29 2020 - 00:00