When can parents justify a term-time family holiday?An irishtimes.com poll shows a slight majority agreeing the practice is acceptableWed Apr 12 2017 - 06:00
Doctor’s smartphone solution to child sport injuriesPaediatric hospital backs new guide to ‘doing the right thing’ on the sidelinesTue Apr 11 2017 - 05:00
What can you do with the children this Easter Weekend?From Easter Egg Hunts to Zoo Fairies, here's the lowdown on the best family activities over the next few daysMon Apr 03 2017 - 07:00
The joys and the sadness of trying to get pregnantFollowing an in-depth look at fertility issues in Ireland, we talk to people trying to have babiesTue Mar 28 2017 - 07:00
The caped crusaders tackling childhood cancerCanTeen and Helium Arts are helping teenagers enjoy activities they missed out on because of cancerTue Mar 21 2017 - 07:00
The woman championing children’s rightsAn early lesson in what socio-economic disadvantage means and how institutional prejudice can perpetuate it made Tanya Ward aware of injusticeTue Mar 14 2017 - 11:00
The parents who gave birth to successful businessesSome entrepreneurs have their children to thank for inspiring their business start-upsTue Mar 07 2017 - 06:00
Supporting the foster carersThe Irish Foster Care Association’s helpline is a life support for those caring for the 6,000-plus children in State careTue Feb 28 2017 - 00:00
‘The both of us are his daddies’: Three surrogacy storiesLegal uncertainty in Ireland has not stopped couples going abroad to create longed-for familiesSat Feb 25 2017 - 06:00
What is the right age to start your child in primary school?There is a strong argument that age four is too young for formal schoolingTue Feb 21 2017 - 05:00
Big drama – helping children with special needs to act outMusic and drama is bringing children with intellectual difficulties out of their shellsTue Feb 21 2017 - 00:00
The ‘vast majority’ of girls quit sport, so how do we keep them fit?New research suggests first-year schoolboys are 32% fitter than their female counterpartsMon Feb 13 2017 - 00:00
Small children sucked into a sedentary world of buggies, screens and indoor livingChildren are failing to develop basic physical skills that are the blocks on which to build a lifetime of fitness and sport, due to lack of active playTue Feb 07 2017 - 01:00
Co-parenting: how to change it from ‘battle of wills’ to shared jobSurvey highlights emotional and social barriers adults encounter in trying to raise children after separationMon Jan 30 2017 - 07:00
As employment rights change, has the au pair had her day?Au pairs have long benefited Irish families in need of affordable childcare. Now the law says they have full employment rights. Is that fair?Sat Jan 28 2017 - 05:00
Making delivery as sweet as possible for people with diabetesThe Galway programme makes it better for mothers and babiesTue Jan 24 2017 - 01:00
Being Ireland’s fittest family: how did they do that?The Cummins family from Tipperary ran, climbed and ‘bog jogged’ to bag the 2016 titleTue Jan 17 2017 - 06:00
Tips to get the whole family back on trackGood habits when it comes to eating and exercising pay dividendsMon Jan 09 2017 - 16:00
Why teaching children about cyber safety at eight is too lateNew research shows how some children are using the internet before they reach fiveTue Jan 03 2017 - 06:00
Parents, here are the rules of your child’s new smartphoneScreens are so integrated in our lives that counting hours spent on them is pointlessMon Dec 26 2016 - 06:00
A moveable feast: the traditions that make everyone’s dayChristmas traditions are sacrosanct so it is very accommodating of Santa to fit in with every householdSun Dec 18 2016 - 14:00
A Christmas where mummy and daddy don't argue is top of children’s wish list‘It can be lonely for the mammy and the daddy who doesn’t have the children on Christmas Day,’ says Rita O’Reilly, manager of ParentlineTue Dec 13 2016 - 06:00
Home sharing: valued respite for people with intellectual disabilityLack of regulation and legislation around services highlighted in recent reportTue Dec 06 2016 - 06:00
Sharing the caring: a respite scheme that gives families a breakEvery month Chloe Collins, who has cerbral palsy, does a sleepover with her ‘other family’Tue Dec 06 2016 - 06:00
Joining the grown-ups: first-year students make the leapSheila Wayman asks first-year university students how they are copingTue Nov 29 2016 - 01:00
Help is at hand for mothers trying to breastfeedThe Association of Lactation Consultants in Ireland has 123 certified membersTue Nov 22 2016 - 06:00
Breast may be best, but sometimes a helping hand is neededA day on the wards at Limerick University Maternity Hospital with a lactation consultantTue Nov 22 2016 - 06:00
Expert’s advice on what children should know about deathSir Al Aynsley-Green campaigns for better support for bereaved childrenMon Nov 14 2016 - 19:00
What to do: children and bereavementShould you bring children to funerals? Or tell them about death and dying?Mon Nov 14 2016 - 16:00
My son kept asking when Daddy would come backAfter his dad died, Alex (3) asked his mum ‘is Daddy coming back in a minute?’Mon Nov 14 2016 - 16:00
'We were prepared for the death of our premature baby'‘Odhrán spent 50 days in intensive care, followed by more time in special care’Tue Nov 08 2016 - 06:00
Can you ever prepare for a premature baby?Mary was having a ‘great pregnancy’ until Seb decided to arrive at 30 weeksTue Nov 08 2016 - 06:00
Living with dyspraxia: ‘As much as I try, I will never be a normal person’Lee Maguire was told by a consultant that he never would drive. He has since passed his testTue Nov 01 2016 - 05:00
Dyspraxia: When the brain takes the ‘scenic route’Over 80% of children with Dyspraxia/DCD missing out on crucial treatment, research findsMon Oct 31 2016 - 06:00
Halloween: where to go and what to do for the midtermFrom spooky tours to broomstick rides, there is a frightful amount of family fun lined upSat Oct 22 2016 - 15:00
Baby slings and colic: ‘It saved us’Research suggests babies in non-Western cultures cry less because they are carried moreTue Oct 18 2016 - 06:00
Newborns: What is colic and what can you do to ease it?Regarding the first three months as a fourth trimester might help ‘colicky’ babiesTue Oct 18 2016 - 06:00
Give Me a Crash Course In: affordable childcareParents of the estimated 30 per cent of children who are cared for by childminders will be very annoyed to lose outSat Oct 15 2016 - 00:00
Budget 2017: Who will benefit from childcare package?Less than a third of families whose children need minding may gain from schemeThu Oct 13 2016 - 12:16
‘It’s a shame parents have to be out of the house 10 hours straight’A stay-at-home father and a mother working from home give their verdicts on the costs of childcare and the choices they have to makeTue Oct 11 2016 - 06:00
It’s not a war of the mammies, it’s simple childcare choices...‘You can either stay in the home and not own it, or go out to work and never be in the home you own’Tue Oct 11 2016 - 06:00
When should we teach children about positive mental health?Parents want children to begin building mental health skills at primary school - surveyMon Oct 10 2016 - 11:25
Finland childcare: How one couple share the parenting duties‘I think I have the organising of all the schedules in my brain’Tue Oct 04 2016 - 06:00
Let the children play: the secret to Finnish educationIn Finland children don’t start school until they are seven – so what happens before that?Tue Oct 04 2016 - 06:00
Why babies in Finland sleep in cardboard boxesThe baby box and high level of health care aims to give every child an equal start in lifeTue Sept 27 2016 - 06:00
‘The first time twins lay together was at their funeral’We hear about ‘miracle’ premature babies, but not so much about the parents who leave maternity hospitals empty-handedThu Sept 22 2016 - 13:50
How to talk to parents who have lost a childSadly many people avoid talking to bereaved parents, afraid they might say the wrong thingTue Sept 20 2016 - 06:00
Fancy a ‘whine and wine’ about your kids?A place for mums who don’t breast-feed but want to be part of a support group ... guilt-freeTue Sept 13 2016 - 06:00
Should you instinctively know how to be a parent?What is it about having a baby that’s so hard? And why don’t people ask for help?Tue Sept 13 2016 - 06:00
Why do we constantly share photos of our food?Anxiety and vulnerability may be behind online sharing, not simple narcissismTue Sept 06 2016 - 06:00