Joe Duffy calls out Gemma O’Doherty, Dee Wall, Ben Gilroy and their anti-vaccine theoriesRadio: The Liveline host sounds furious at the ‘hijacking’ of Nicole Cahill’s deathFri Aug 27 2021 - 05:00
Go ahead, make my day: Pat Kenny gets all Dirty Harry about street ‘yobs’Radio: The Newstalk host hears lurid tales of ‘urban terrorism’ on the streets of DublinFri Aug 20 2021 - 06:00
Wide-eyed Joe Duffy: Wet behind the ears or dunked in amniotic fluid?Radio: Playing the naif is tricky when the topic is the glorification of criminality at a funeralFri Jul 23 2021 - 05:00
Ryan Tubridy: With sturdy self-belief, our best-paid broadcaster hits his summer grooveRadio: He knows his style isn’t for everyone, but his enthusiasm is infectiousFri Jul 16 2021 - 05:00
Affable, no-waffle Katie Hannon is a natural in the Liveline seatRadio review: Hannon is more comfortable than any of Duffy’s other replacementsFri Jul 09 2021 - 07:39
Claire Byrne applies the pressure, and Eamon Ryan snapsRadio: The interview underscores how quickly the optimistic mood has disappearedFri Jul 02 2021 - 05:00
Stephen Donnelly gives unconvincing National Maternity Hospital performanceRadio: Minister for Health is smooth on the Delta variant but rattled by the hospital sagaFri Jun 25 2021 - 05:00
Want a rude awakening? Switch from Morning Ireland to 2FM BreakfastRadio: Doireann Garrihy, Donncha O’Callaghan and Carl Mullan front the zany new showFri Jun 18 2021 - 05:00
Pat Kenny grills Eoin Ó Broin on Newstalk. RTÉ goes easy on Leo VaradkarRadio: Sinn Féin’s defence that it was merely following the example of others is trueFri Jun 11 2021 - 05:00
Oliver Callan’s even better at meaningless fluff than Ryan TubridyRadio: The talented mimic is adept at filling airtime but oddly reserved when talking to othersFri Jun 04 2021 - 05:00
RTÉ’s marauding army of zombies? It’s fake news, folksRadio: The national broadcaster's Truth Matters podcast seeks to unpick fact from fictionFri May 28 2021 - 05:00
Katie Hannon’s winning formula: sharp questioning and wry derisionRadio: The Late Debate’s quietly authoritative presenter is the show’s key assetFri May 21 2021 - 05:00
Pat Kenny witnesses a street brawl in Dalkey: ‘30 or 40 people at it full pelt’Radio: ‘Thinking about this reopening,’ the Newstalk presenter says. ‘Are we really prepared?’Fri May 14 2021 - 05:00
Claire Byrne isn’t just a rigorous interviewer. She’s a rigorous staycationerRadio: The RTÉ host’s trademark efficiency even extends to her leisure time planningFri May 07 2021 - 05:00
Declan Ganley, Michael Healy-Rae and Joe Brolly are the spice of NewstalkRadio: They’re not to everyone’s taste, but they add flavour to Kieran Cuddihy’s showFri Apr 30 2021 - 05:00
Andrea Gilligan: A kindly voice among the macho men of NewstalkRadio: Beside strutting colleagues, empathetic host sounds as saintly as Mother TeresaFri Apr 23 2021 - 05:00
Cormac Ó hEadhra, usually an irresistible force, is stopped by an immovable bureaucratRadio: RTÉ’s Drivetime host is frustrated by a spokesman’s stance on Covid vaccinesFri Apr 16 2021 - 05:00
Philip Boucher-Hayes trips over his own intellectRadio: The erudite, thoughtful presenter is sometimes too keen to show off his learningFri Apr 09 2021 - 05:00
Joe Duffy exposes the fiction of the HSE’s vaccine adsRadio: Duffy may not curry favour with radio advertisers, but he serves his public wellFri Apr 02 2021 - 05:00
A PC Brendan O’Connor? The RTÉ thought police must have got to him tooRadio: The RTÉ Radio 1 host can be smart and sharp but also thoughtful and even empatheticFri Mar 26 2021 - 05:00
Claire Byrne’s gloom doesn’t stand a chance against Marty Morrissey’s full Irish shtickRadio: The GAA broadcaster is an unlikely tonic after a downbeat run-up to St Patrick’s DayFri Mar 19 2021 - 05:00
Ryan Tubridy proves his lockdown life is as boring as everyone else’sRadio: The RTÉ presenter shows his everyman side but could do with more substantial materialFri Mar 12 2021 - 05:00
Claire Byrne and Matt Cooper flog the dead horseRadio: Meanwhile serious public issues, like the Central Bank’s €4.1m fine of Davy, got little airtimeFri Mar 05 2021 - 05:00
Pat Kenny is fuming – and it’s not because of his property disputeRadio: Host tires of Charlie McConalogue’s vagueness as Ministers fudge pandemic plansFri Feb 26 2021 - 05:00
Claire Byrne isn’t easily silenced. But this left her lost for wordsRadio: The RTÉ host heard from Erin and James McClean about their anti-Irish abuseFri Feb 19 2021 - 05:00
Drivetime now has the zippiest news coverage on Irish radioRadio: Sarah McInerney and Cormac Ó hEadhra combine rigorous interviews with light reliefFri Feb 12 2021 - 05:00
The ghost of Ivan Yates haunts Kieran Cuddihy’s Hard ShoulderRadio: Cuddihy is skilled and energetic, yet his Newstalk show seldom hits the markFri Feb 05 2021 - 05:00
Claire Byrne’s inconvenient facts burst Stephen Donnelly’s bubbleRadio review: The calmly forensic style of the host unpicks the Minister for Health’s assertionsFri Jan 29 2021 - 05:00
Don’t sweat the big stuff: Top earner Tubridy sticks to small talkRadio: Ryan Tubridy’s spiel shows his ability as a broadcaster. Sounding this effortless isn’t easyFri Jan 22 2021 - 05:00
Joe Duffy et al do what the mother and baby home commission could notThe week's radio shows let survivors set records straight, share their anger and ask crucial questionsFri Jan 15 2021 - 05:00
Ray D’Arcy has the solution to all our problemsThis is mightily flimsy stuff, more suited to local radio. But, against the odds, it worksFri Jan 08 2021 - 07:31
Sarah McInerney and Cormac Ó hEadhra have transformed Drivetime into compelling radioÓ hEadhra’s focused outrage and McInerney’s cooler tenaciousness has rejuvenated one of RTÉ Radio's flagship showsFri Dec 18 2020 - 12:37
Pat Kenny is a smart man, but he asks some silly questionsRadio: Veteran host sounds relaxed and confident, though his unwitting comedic side remainsFri Dec 11 2020 - 05:00
Shopping and fussing: Retail reopening brings out Claire Byrne’s stern sideHer RTÉ show can stray towards sounding a bit judgy, no matter how sensible its adviceFri Dec 04 2020 - 05:00
Ryan Tubridy swears he dropped a B-bomb, not an F-bomb, on Late Late Toy ShowPresenter uses his RTÉ Radio 1 programme to insist he didn’t utter the F-word on Friday nightMon Nov 30 2020 - 12:42
Miriam O’Callaghan’s ‘forever sorry’ apology puts her usual touchy-feeliness in the shadeShe expresses her sorrow with uncharacteristic trepidation. Then it’s on with the showFri Nov 27 2020 - 06:00
Joe Duffy’s rapping is as shocking as anything on the airwaves this yearDuffy’s unfunny rhymes make Dustin the Turkey sound like Wu-Tang ClanFri Nov 20 2020 - 05:45
Ciara Kelly hits radio gold as health expert suggests postponing ChristmasNewstalk host sounds sceptical as Trinity College professor floats a novel idea to delay festivitiesFri Nov 13 2020 - 06:26
Drivetime duo emerge as winners from divisive electionSarah McInerney and Cormac Ó hEadhra gel as US poll unfolds, Joe Duffy gets populist about pantoSat Nov 07 2020 - 05:00
‘Attention-seeking’ Shane Ross has a spiky joust with Regina DohertyShane Ross has a barbed confrontation with Regina Doherty... and a cosy chat with Brendan O’ConnorFri Oct 30 2020 - 10:00
Rising Time’s Shay Byrne is so glum he makes Morning Ireland seem cheerful... while chirpy Ryan Tubridy leads listeners into lockdown with head-boy earnestnessFri Oct 23 2020 - 05:00
Paschal Donohoe and Michael McGrath upstaged by creche worker on Claire Byrne showClaire Byrne's first post-budget phone-in is a disappointment as she fails to pin down ministersFri Oct 16 2020 - 09:02
Sam McConkey’s Spinal Tap moment takes the restrictions debate to Level 10The professor’s conversation with Pat Kenny on Newstalk is unintentionally hilariousFri Oct 09 2020 - 05:45
Drivetime’s pumped up Cormac Ó hEadhra leaves Sarah McInerney subduedThe newly partnered duo are still finding their feet, or at least trying not to tread on each other too muchFri Oct 02 2020 - 05:30
'Dermot and Dave's Dermot Whelan's meditation toolCapering presenter discusses mindfulness as Andrea Gilligan hits a groove on her showFri Sept 25 2020 - 05:00
Stephen Donnelly dodges the questions as Matt Cooper mercilessly pursues the answersRadio review: Matt Cooper has a good day at the office. The health minister not so muchFri Sept 18 2020 - 07:25
Jennifer Zamparelli overplays her hand in 2FM face mask non-debateControversy over 2FM presenter’s dropped discussion seems down to poor judgmentTue Sept 15 2020 - 14:08
Listless Ray D’Arcy increasingly adrift in a sea of fresh voicesThe staleness of the presenter's sweet ‘n’ sour format is a long-running concernFri Sept 11 2020 - 06:42
Newstalk’s new drivetime host Kieran Cuddihy tries too hard at taking it easyOvereagerness aside, Cuddihy can make a success of his show, as can Andrea GilliganFri Sept 04 2020 - 05:45
‘What a way to start’: Claire Byrne puts Micheál Martin through the wringerThe presenter’s interview with Taoiseach sets tone as she takes over Today show on RTÉ Radio 1Fri Aug 28 2020 - 05:45