Poor districts irked by Brotherhood's controversial constitution vote NoEgyptians flocked to the polls on Saturday to vote in the first phase of a referendum on a constitution most had not read and…Mon Dec 17 2012 - 00:00
Egyptians clash on eve of referendum on constitution reflecting Sharia lawOn the eve of Egypt’s constitutional referendum, clashes erupted outside the Qaed Ibrahim mosque in the Egyptian port of Alexandria…Sat Dec 15 2012 - 00:00
Opposition urges No vote in Egyptian pollThe main Egyptian opposition coalition yesterday urged followers to vote against the disputed draft constitution in Saturday’…Thu Dec 13 2012 - 00:00
Factions hold rallies across EgyptTens of thousands of supporters and opponents of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi yesterday took part in duelling demonstrations…Wed Dec 12 2012 - 00:00
Tanks point at protesters in front of Cairo's palaceAll streets leading to Egypt’s presidential palace are blocked with metal and cement block walls and rolls of rusting razor wire…Wed Dec 12 2012 - 00:00
Morsi vests power of detention in militaryFearing a renewal of clashes that killed eight and injured 700 people last week, Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, as armed forces…Tue Dec 11 2012 - 00:00
Opposition in Egypt opposes referendumEgypt’s secular opposition the National Salvation Front yesterday declared that holding a constitutional referendum during the…Mon Dec 10 2012 - 00:00
Anti-Morsi rally delivers 'final ultimatum'Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets across Egypt yesterday demanding that President Mohamed Morsi reverse his…Sat Dec 08 2012 - 00:00
Morsi offers no concessions to the oppositionEgyptian president Mohamed Morsi yesterday offered no concessions to the opposition over his decree granting himself extraordinary…Fri Dec 07 2012 - 00:00
Fatal clashes between Morsi supporters and opposition demonstrators in CairoSporadic clashes erupted yesterday outside Egypt’s presidential palace between supporters and opponents of president Mohamed …Thu Dec 06 2012 - 00:00
Activists march to Morsi's palace over extra powers and redrawn constitutionMore than 10,000 flag-waving opposition activists yesterday marched toward Egypt’s presidential palace to protest at President…Wed Dec 05 2012 - 00:00
Turkey and Russia at loggerheads over Syrian crisis as rebel forces grow strongerANALYSIS: Syrian warplanes yesterday bombed a rebel-held security building near the Turkish border, wounding 11, as Russian …Tue Dec 04 2012 - 00:00
Egypt's supreme court goes on strikeThe polarisation between Egyptian secularists and Muslim fundamentalists deepened yesterday when the supreme court went on strike…Mon Dec 03 2012 - 00:00
Ongoing stalemate could shift conflict to criminal courtANALYSIS: The UN General Assembly vote to recognise Palestine as a non-member state within the boundaries of 1967 was the fruit…Sat Dec 01 2012 - 00:00
Egyptian assembly adopts final draft of new constitutionAs clashes continued in the streets of Cairo yesterday, Egypt’s constituent assembly rushed to adopt a final draft of the new…Fri Nov 30 2012 - 00:00
Palestinians bring their case to the UNPalestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is set to call upon the UN General Assembly to upgrade Palestinian representation from observer…Thu Nov 29 2012 - 00:00
Fall from grace was swift after brokering ceasefireANALYSIS : Opponents accuse President Morsi of hijacking Egypt’s nascent democracyMon Nov 26 2012 - 00:00
Risky gamble for Morsi as Cairo takes on leadership role in talksAnalysis: Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi has played a high-stakes game during the Gaza crisis by placing his personal influence…Wed Nov 21 2012 - 00:00
Morsi assumes central role in conflictANALYSIS: The Arab Spring has ensured support for Hamas from new governmentsSat Nov 17 2012 - 00:00
Netanyahu toughens stance ahead of pollANALYSIS: The Israeli PM has threatened to abrogate the Oslo peace accordsFri Nov 16 2012 - 00:00
Coalition has to prove political worth in SyriaAnalysis: The Arab League and the EU, with the exception of the Gulf states and France, have withheld full recognition of the…Thu Nov 15 2012 - 00:00
Syria's new opposition seeks Arab backingArab League foreign ministers yesterday recognised the newlyformed opposition coalition as the representative of the aspirations…Tue Nov 13 2012 - 00:00
Opposition coalition to form provisional Syrian governmentAfter eight days of talks the Syrian opposition yesterday established a new coalition naming Mouaz al-Khatib, a dissident Muslim…Mon Nov 12 2012 - 00:00
Assad says he will not cut a deal to resignSyrian president Bashar al-Assad has brushed aside suggestions that he resign and repeated his assertion that the West cannot…Fri Nov 09 2012 - 00:00
Broad welcome but some muted doubtsMiddle East: Barack Obama’s re-election was widely welcomed in the Middle East, although Arabs and Muslims have expressed disappointment…Thu Nov 08 2012 - 00:00
Damascus car bomb wounds 11A car bomb exploded yesterday outside a central Damascus hotel, wounding 11, as rebels claimed the capture of an oil field and…Mon Nov 05 2012 - 00:00
Executions of Syrian troops 'a potential war crime'HUMANITARIAN ORGANISATIONS yesterday condemned video images of rebels executing captured Syrian soldiers after insurgents overran…Sat Nov 03 2012 - 00:00
Conflict inflicting collateral damage on IraqFOR AT least a year Iraq has been suffering increasing spillover from the deepening conflict in SyriaThu Nov 01 2012 - 00:00
Ceasefire in Syria ends in air raids and car bombingsSYRIA’S FOUR-DAY holiday ceasefire ended with a reported 60 air raids, shelling, car bombs in the Damascus area and an artillery…Tue Oct 30 2012 - 00:00
Syrian ceasefire broken by clashes and air raidsSYRIA’S HOLIDAY ceasefire was yesterday broken both by regime troops and rebels as military aircraft bombed restive towns near…Mon Oct 29 2012 - 00:00
Clashes despite ceasefire on Syrian feast daySYRIA’S CEASEFIRE was broken by scattered clashes yesterday but a fall in the level of fighting prompted festive anti-government…Sat Oct 27 2012 - 01:00
Syrian military agrees ceasefire as rebel forces make strategic gainsTHE SYRIAN military yesterday announced it would observe a ceasefire from 6am today until Monday as rebel forces made strategic…Fri Oct 26 2012 - 01:00
Final decision on Syrian ceasefire to be given todayUN-ARAB LEAGUE envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said yesterday that the Syrian government had agreed to a ceasefire but shortly after his…Thu Oct 25 2012 - 01:00
Blast at Syrian army site as UN seeks ceasefireTHERE WERE reports of an explosion yesterday near Damascus at the headquarters of the Syrian army’s fourth armoured division …Wed Oct 24 2012 - 01:00
Protecting Palestinians from turmoilPalestinian refugees are increasingly suffering from the effects of the Syrian civil warTue Oct 23 2012 - 01:00
Damascus car bomb kills 13 in Christian quarter of old cityA CAR bomb has killed 13 people and injured 29 near a police station in the Christian St Thomas’s Gate quarter of Damascus’s …Mon Oct 22 2012 - 01:00
Turkish minister calls for 'humanitarian mission inside Syria'TURKISH FOREIGN minister Ahmet Davutoglu has reiterated his call for direct western humanitarian intervention in Syria.Sat Oct 20 2012 - 01:00
28,000 activists claimed 'disappeared' in SyriaHUMAN RIGHTS groups operating inside Syria say as many as 28,000 opposition activists and suspected supporters have been forcibly…Fri Oct 19 2012 - 01:00
Syrian rebels reject ceasefire callSYRIAN REBEL forces yesterday dismissed a call by UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi for a ceasefire in Syria by Eid al-Adha…Tue Oct 16 2012 - 01:00
Syria increasing cluster bomb use, says rights groupHUMAN RIGHTS Watch reports that the Syrian air force has dramatically increased its use of cluster bombs in recent days.Mon Oct 15 2012 - 01:00
Slow pace of reform tests patience of JordaniansJORDAN HAS weathered the Arab Spring without falling victim to the hurricanes sweeping Tunisia, Egypt and Syria but Jordanians…Fri Oct 12 2012 - 01:00
Syrian refugees ponder life after AssadAmid swirling sand, life goes on as cafes are set up and Syrians avail of medical aidWed Oct 10 2012 - 01:00
Fall of rebel stronghold could hasten Syrian ceasefireTHE LIKELY fall of the rebel stronghold in Homs and the suggestion that Turkey and the expatriate opposition could compromise…Tue Oct 09 2012 - 01:00
Jordanians rally to protest at slow pace of reformJORDANIANS STAGED their largest post-Arab Spring demonstration yesterday in central Amman in response to a call from the Islamic…Sat Oct 06 2012 - 01:00
Amnesty accuses Egypt of police and army abusesAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL is calling on Egypt’s president Muhammad Morsi to tackle the country’s “bloody legacy of human rights abuses…Wed Oct 03 2012 - 01:00
Unesco appeals to Syrian fighters to spare heritage sitesCLASHES AND fresh fires broke out yesterday in the old city of Aleppo where entire sectors of the 13th-century bazaar, a Unesco…Tue Oct 02 2012 - 01:00
Attack close to Turkish border with Syria kills at least fourA SUICIDE bomber yesterday blew himself up outside a police headquarters in the northeastern city of Qamishli, killing at least…Mon Oct 01 2012 - 01:00
Historic Aleppo market ravaged by fireAL-MADINA OF Aleppo, Syria’s most populous city and its commercial capital, was the world’s largest covered market – until entire…Mon Oct 01 2012 - 01:00
Syrian loyalists repel rebel attack on AleppoA FRONTAL assault launched by rebels in an attempt to regain lost ground in the northern city of Aleppo has dissolved into street…Sat Sept 29 2012 - 01:00
Rebels in 'decisive battle' for AleppoTHE TAWHID Brigade of the rebel Free Syrian Army yesterday announced the beginning of a “decisive battle” for Aleppo, saying …Fri Sept 28 2012 - 01:00