Child (7) killed mother who tried to strangle himWHEN seven-year-old Kevin woke up at 8 a.m. on January 13th, his mother Suzanna was sitting next to himFri Jan 17 1997 - 00:00
Magistrate accuses two in CJD poisoning caseA PARIS magistrate yesterday handed down the first two criminal indictments in the contaminated growth hormones scandal, in which…Thu Jan 16 1997 - 00:00
CJD diagnosis was death sentence for Benedicte's short lifeWHEN Francine Delbrel's daughter was born on April 18th, 1972, the French naval officer's wife wept for joyWed Jan 15 1997 - 00:00
Guillotine used in reign of terrorTHE voice down the telephone line from Algiers quivered with fear and fatigueSat Jan 11 1997 - 00:00
A tale of one principalityONCE upon a time a beautiful Irish-American actress named Grace Patricia Kelly fell in love with His Most Serene Highness Prince…Sat Jan 11 1997 - 00:00
Murder victim had been "in love with life"ALTHOUGH friends and family of Sophie Toscan du Plantier, the French woman murdered in west Cork on December 23rd, have so far…Tue Jan 07 1997 - 00:00
Opposition critical of French attacks on Central Africa rebelsFRENCH attacks against rebels in the Central African Republic were harshly criticised by the French opposition yesterday after…Tue Jan 07 1997 - 00:00
Affairs of state aplenty for the century's greatest courtesanPAMELA Churchill Harriman declined to give The Irish Times an interviewSat Dec 21 1996 - 00:00
`Carlos the Jackal' complains of libel in recent bookWHO would believe that "Carlos the Jackal", indicted for four bombings, a shoot-out, a grenade attack on a cafe, and blamed for…Wed Dec 18 1996 - 00:00
Irish trucks stopped by French farmersTWO Irish trucks were stopped briefly at a barricade set up by French calf farmers early yesterday, the Irish Embassy in Paris…Tue Dec 17 1996 - 00:00
Tough work gives way to pints and playIF YOU'D been talking about EMU and the IGC all day, you'd want a pint too.Mon Dec 16 1996 - 00:00
Muscled approach to negotiations paid off in the end for French diplomacyTHE French were nearly as pleased with the Dublin summit as the IrishMon Dec 16 1996 - 00:00
Peace and goodwill reign supreme as euro is bornTHE IRISH official ran into the auditorium just as his colleagues were wrapping up their afternoon briefingSat Dec 14 1996 - 00:00
French bring hopes and fears to Dublin meetingMR Michel Barnier brings both a hope and a fear with him to Dublin this morningFri Dec 13 1996 - 00:00
Bruton ends consultations amid fears that `stability pact' differences could spoil summitTHE TAOISEACH, Mr Bruton, concluded pre-Dublin summit consultations in Paris here yesterday, amid fears that the failure of France…Wed Dec 11 1996 - 00:00
Bruton pledges talks with SFIF the IRA restored its ceasefire, the Government could resume discussions with Sinn Fein immediately, the Taoiseach told The…Wed Dec 11 1996 - 00:00
Algeria's east bloc remnant claims to be "God's party"JUST when Algerians thought it was safe to forget the one party system - the mass organisations and central committees, the congresses…Sat Dec 07 1996 - 00:00
Metro is a "legitimate target" because France "helps the Algerian state"NO ONE sees a man on a bicycle, Michael Collins used to say.Fri Dec 06 1996 - 00:00
Algerians believe Islamists were behind bomb attackALGERIA's relations with France are always emotional reaction to the bombing which killed two people in Paris on Tuesday night…Thu Dec 05 1996 - 00:00
For diplomat or chef Algeria is giant prisonNAWAL (27) sat on my right in the dining room of the El Djazair HotelWed Dec 04 1996 - 00:00
Where journalists have a shorter life expectancyA GREETING card is pinned to the wall of the office at El Watan newspaperTue Dec 03 1996 - 00:00
Murdered in a land they could not convertFORGIVE me for asking, I said but was it true they only found the heads of the seven murdered monks from Tibehrine?Mon Dec 02 1996 - 00:00
Government challenged on figures as Yes vote declaredTHE ALGERIAN Interior Minister read the results with a straight face. Eleven million voters, 79Sat Nov 30 1996 - 00:00
Uniquely Algerian exercise in self delusionWHEN the Algerian government uses words, to paraphrase Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland, the words mean exactly what the …Fri Nov 29 1996 - 00:00
Truck drivers' strike could prevent EMU targets being attainedAFTER 11 days of the French truck drivers' strike, tempers are frayingFri Nov 29 1996 - 00:00
Algerians fear worst after referendumMOUSSA had driven me last time I was here. Now he's been shotThu Nov 28 1996 - 00:00
Fundamentalists promote polarisationCARLOS MARIGHELA would have understood AlgeriaWed Nov 27 1996 - 00:00
Blood soaked "theatre of shadows" comes to a moment of truth after years of slaughterON JULY 3rd, 1962, Algerians celebrated the end of 132 years of French colonial rule with boundless joyTue Nov 26 1996 - 00:00
Tunnel repairs statement weakens public confidenceTHE admission at the weekend by French and British Eurotunnel representatives that repairs to the tunnel beneath the English …Mon Nov 25 1996 - 00:00
Intervention by army possible as lorry drivers' protest continuesWHEN negotiations between French lorry drivers and transport companies broke down early yesterday morning, one question was on…Sat Nov 23 1996 - 00:00
Critical debate rages over fire and train safetyFACED with ferocious criticism and falling share prices, Eurotunnel, the company which operates the train beneath the English…Thu Nov 21 1996 - 00:00
Malraux ascends to French civic heavenLIKE the hero of one of his novels, Andre Malraux was determined to leave the scar of his passage on earthWed Nov 20 1996 - 00:00
Amnesty claims state forces use summary executionsALGERIAN government forces use the "anti-terrorist fight" to justify summary executions, says an Amnesty International report…Wed Nov 20 1996 - 00:00
Multiple investigations under way as grim details of `serious' fire emergeFRENCH officials and Eurotunnel, the company which operates the rail tunnel beneath the English Channel, yesterday tried to put…Wed Nov 20 1996 - 00:00
Year of austerity marked by strikesWHEN the French Prime Minister, Mr Alain Juppe, announced his now infamous austerity plan a year ago, he received a standing …Sat Nov 16 1996 - 00:00
Position of refugees in Bosnia is clearly not acceptable, Spring saysMR Spring, at yesterday's top level Paris conference called by France to define international policy on Bosnia over the next …Fri Nov 15 1996 - 00:00
Extraordinary attempts fail to prevent indictment of leading public figure's wifeIN A failed attempt to save the wife of a leading public figure from indictment, French officials went literally to the ends …Thu Nov 14 1996 - 00:00
Bosnian hero now full-time soldier of faithTHE DOORS of Gen Philippe Morillon's study - in an annex of the French Prime Minister's office - open onto an idyllic gardenWed Nov 13 1996 - 00:00
The Front's latest convert dishes out hot soup and cold comfortTHE REV Jean Pierre Blanchard is trying to be the acceptable face of the National FrontTue Nov 12 1996 - 00:00
Defence co operation "main dish" at Bordeaux summitTHE British Prime Minister, Mr John Major, his French counterpart, Mr Alain Juppe, and President Jacques Chirac are meeting today…Fri Nov 08 1996 - 00:00
Militant Islamists slash throats of 10 village women, three childrenTEN women and three children had their throats slashed by Islamic militants in the village of Douaouda, 3Okm west of Algiers …Wed Nov 06 1996 - 00:00
French again assume EU leadTHE French Foreign Minister, Mr Herve de Charette, yesterday made an appeal for an immediate international conference to stop…Tue Nov 05 1996 - 00:00
Outcry over war seizures of Jewish propertyAN outcry over the seizure of Jewish property in Paris during the second World War has forced municipal authorities to freeze…Mon Nov 04 1996 - 00:00
Bomb attacks in wake of Juppe's in break with the pastTHE DILEMMA is well known to every Irish and British government should the administration engage an armed, underground nationalist…Fri Nov 01 1996 - 00:00
Minister in Greenpeace ship scandal "in pay of KGB"AS MINISTER of defence, Charles Hernu was known to be a bon vivant whose fondness for wine and women was equalled only by his…Thu Oct 31 1996 - 00:00
Further amorous revelations about president who `liked life'WHEN the cold, grey drizzle sets in for the winter, it's a good time for love storiesWed Oct 30 1996 - 00:00
French poll shows huge support for Chirac following visit to JerusalemAN opinion poll conducted by the French Public Opinion Institute (IFOP) and published by Liberatio yesterday shows that 83 per…Tue Oct 29 1996 - 00:00
Arab' embrace of France discredits US as honest brokerIN THE West Bank town of Ramallah and in Gaza City, he was greeted as a saviourSat Oct 26 1996 - 01:00
Chirac assures Lebanese of firm French supportIT WAS inconceivable, Mr Jacques Chirac's spokeswoman said, that President Chirac would tour the Middle East without stopping…Sat Oct 26 1996 - 01:00
Chirac calls for end to punishment of IraqTHE FRENCH President, Mr Jacques Chirac, has opened a second front in his war on US policy in the Middle East.Fri Oct 25 1996 - 01:00