France impatient with dithering British as Brexit talks beginMacron determined Brexit negotiations will not sidetrack his plan to relaunch EuropeFri Jun 23 2017 - 00:00
Emmanuel Macron outlines vision of Europe and worldFrench president wants to ‘find the thread’ of European history to stop the rise of extremesThu Jun 22 2017 - 21:10
Quarter of Macron’s cabinet ministers resign on ethical groundsFrench president plunged into first government crisis as four ministers step downWed Jun 21 2017 - 18:45
Driver dies in Calais crash as migrants return to unwelcoming regionVan hits barrier and catches fire, as aid bodies face growing hostility to migrantsTue Jun 20 2017 - 19:00
French police van rammed by car carrying explosives in ParisRadicalised French Muslim (31) dead following incident on the Champs-ÉlyséesMon Jun 19 2017 - 19:01
Macron continues to defy expectations with poll absolute majorityFrench president has made impressive start but big challenge is to motivate jaded votersMon Jun 19 2017 - 18:07
Macron’s party wins absolute majority in French assemblyLevel of abstention breaks all records as 58 per cent of electorate fail to voteSun Jun 18 2017 - 21:21
Public sector pay deal offers ‘fair’ wage growth, Donohoe saysIncreased spending on infrastructure a top priority, says Minister for FinanceSat Jun 17 2017 - 06:00
‘L’affaire Grégory’ mystery may have reached its dénouementFrench prosecutors near a conclusion over the murder of a four-year-old boy in 1984Fri Jun 16 2017 - 01:00
Macron and May threaten action against internet providersFrench and British leaders meet in Paris and vow to curtail social media use by jihadistsTue Jun 13 2017 - 21:28
Vermeer ‘gives you ideas, but not the manual’Agreement with the Louvre and National Gallery in Washington will see 10 Vermeers will be unveiled in DublinTue Jun 13 2017 - 06:00
France’s Socialist Party in throes of legislative election disasterThe party of Mitterrand and Jaurès is set to lose 90% of its nearly 300 seatsTue Jun 13 2017 - 01:00
Macron’s party set for landslide in parliamentary electionsFrench president’s movement takes 32% of vote in first round marred by record abstentionSun Jun 11 2017 - 21:22
Polls predict only crumbs for opponents in Macron’s ‘sky blue’ assemblyPresident’s La République En Marche poised to win absolute majority in electionsThu Jun 08 2017 - 18:18
Michael Noonan downplays fear of impending property bubble‘We need to build a lot more houses for all the young people who are founding families’Thu Jun 08 2017 - 05:30
Emmanuel Macron mocks Trump slogan on live TVFrance unanimous in condemnation of US president’s ‘shamefully wrong error’Fri Jun 02 2017 - 18:27
France is entranced by Macron. Can he build on a faultless start?New president has sent the country’s morale soaring – but he must turn words into actionWed May 31 2017 - 16:04
Macron talks tough as Putin goes on defensive in VersaillesFrench and Russian leaders spar over Ukraine, Le Pen and chemical weapon useMon May 29 2017 - 20:27
Macron and Trump go head-to-head on climate changeUS president unlikely to take final decision on Paris Agreement before returning to WashingtonSat May 27 2017 - 01:00
Patience with Trump frays in run-up to Nato and G7 summitsMacron to resist attempts to designate Nato as full partner in fight against Islamic StateThu May 25 2017 - 01:00
Emmanuel Macron launches talks on French labour law reformMove to tackle trade unions represents the first major test of Macron’s presidencyTue May 23 2017 - 18:00
Manchester bombing echoes Isis attack on Bataclan and of ‘youth being targeted’Mayors of Paris and Nice among first to express sympathyTue May 23 2017 - 16:55
Emmanuel Macron seeks majority in France’s legislative electionsNext month’s vote appears likely to result in young, inexperienced assemblyMon May 22 2017 - 20:38
A mea culpa from Marine Le Pen as she runs for National AssemblyFront National leader acknowledges missteps in presidential battle with MacronFri May 19 2017 - 18:13
African immigrant helps shape Macron’s political imageFrench president’s Senegalese-born press secretary Sibeth Ndiaye plays vital public roleFri May 19 2017 - 01:00
Macron’s team: a careful blend of age, gender and backgroundMen and women, politics and civil society get equal billing in new French governmentWed May 17 2017 - 20:22
Emmanuel Macron splits French conservatives and charms BerlinEven before French president arrived in Berlin, Angela Merkel reiterated supportMon May 15 2017 - 20:32
Macron radiates youth and energy at inaugurationFollowing ceremony at the Élysée Palace, France has its new president – and first ladySun May 14 2017 - 20:16
Macron promises a French ‘renaissance’ at inaugurationNewly elected president says he will restore France’s self-confidence and embrace futureSun May 14 2017 - 06:00
Candidates line up to be part of Macron’s En Marche! movementParty of France’s president-elect begins assembling new kind of democracyThu May 11 2017 - 19:16
Le Pen ‘profoundly regrets’ niece’s decision to quit politicsMove by Marion Maréchal-Le Pen a blow to Front National days after election defeatWed May 10 2017 - 19:48
Macron cabinet selections show strategy of divide and rulePresident-elect boosted as former socialist prime minister Manuel Valls joins ticketTue May 09 2017 - 17:48
Hollande acts like proud father to Macron at VE Day ceremonyFormer president Nicolas Sarkozy warns president-elect ‘the hard part starts now’Mon May 08 2017 - 20:18
Macron’s victory greeted with remarkably little joyLara Marlowe: His election has not provided any sense of resolution to French angstMon May 08 2017 - 18:08
Triumphant Macron vows to ‘defend France and Europe’Centre-ground candidate surpasses all predictions with landslide victoryMon May 08 2017 - 07:04
Macron has shown grit and guile, but can he go the distance?The new, untried president faces the enormous task of arresting France’s slideSun May 07 2017 - 19:38
Europe holds its breath as France prepares to votePresidential candidates make late push as final polls show Macron well ahead of Le PenSat May 06 2017 - 01:00
French election: A tumultuous campaign leaves Macron poisedHow France slowly, but surely, came round to the idea of a Macron presidencySat May 06 2017 - 01:00
Le Pen hit with criticism – and eggs – after poor debate displayMacron impresses in ugly debate which could be taste of things to come in FranceThu May 04 2017 - 17:51
Macron and Le Pen exchange insults in TV election battleSnap opinion poll shows 63 per cent of viewers found Macron more convincingThu May 04 2017 - 08:10
In France’s ‘third round’, things could get very interestingIf Macron wins the presidency, might he have to govern with a PM from the other side?Thu May 04 2017 - 01:00
Macron and Le Pen shift strategies ahead of TV debateMacron focuses on demonising his rival as Le Pen caught plagiarising Fillon in speechTue May 02 2017 - 20:25
Politics make a convivial topic at the French dinner tableParis Letter: Presidential election chat reveals the discreet charm of the bourgeoisieTue May 02 2017 - 01:00
Le Pen berates ‘no party ’ Macron at Paris rallyFar-right candidate portrays rival Emmanuel Macron as the embodiment of ‘finance’Mon May 01 2017 - 18:00
Brigitte Macron: Older woman behind the ‘perfect young man’She's been called a ‘cougar’, but the 64-year-old is poised to become France’s first ladySat Apr 29 2017 - 01:00
Family baggage hurts Le Pen’s efforts to woo Mélenchon votersHolocaust-deniers in Front National hold back candidate’s attempts to present softer imageFri Apr 28 2017 - 17:53
Macron broke French politics – now he must fix itCentrist has promised to end France’s two-party system designed by de GaulleFri Apr 28 2017 - 01:00
Macron and Le Pen engage in battle for public affectionFrench presidential candidates trade insults as they try to appear closer to the peopleThu Apr 27 2017 - 18:48
Macron stands at gates of the Élysée in a fractured FrancePolls strongly back En Marche! founder for second round but he cannot get complacentMon Apr 24 2017 - 18:15
Emmanuel Macron poised to defeat Marine Le Pen in runoffCentrist Macron wins first round of French presidential electionSun Apr 23 2017 - 22:29