The trouble with saying ‘I’m not right wing or racist but . . .’Ireland is as predisposed to racism as any society although we are probably more prone to self-deceptionMon Nov 11 2019 - 01:21
Johnson deserves a hearing in Ireland but will not get oneAt this late stage there seems little appetite for alternatives to the backstopSat Aug 24 2019 - 01:20
John McManus: The real reason why the state subsidises private schoolsThe fiscal arguments for this state of affairs are flimsy, but change is still unlikelyWed Jul 31 2019 - 10:34
Should the rich get to choose how they contribute to society?Inviting wealthy to fund housing may add philanthropic legitimacy to tax avoidersSun Jul 14 2019 - 13:30
How Mytaxi killed Irish taxis and now owns the futureSuccess in Ireland and new €5 cancellation fee point to winner-takes-all capitalismWed May 15 2019 - 09:22
John McManus: Someone finally shouts stop but nobody caresSenior civil servant warns over €3bn rural broadband fiasco in waitingFri May 03 2019 - 10:01
Should we care about Trinity College ‘hazing’ antics?Controversy over reporting by student newspaper has upside for freedom of expressionThu Mar 28 2019 - 00:46
Varadkar and Rees-Mogg have different tailors but wear much the same clothesWorrying to see Taoiseach and Paschal Donohoe demonstrating ambivalence to expertiseFri Dec 07 2018 - 00:52
Are men just better at science than women?Study showing women are more empathetic, men more analytical, stresses social factorsWed Nov 14 2018 - 06:05
Simon Harris should get off Twitter and start doing his jobMalak Thawley case shows limits of his trigger-happy approach to the health serviceFri Sept 28 2018 - 06:00
John McManus: Has Ireland developed shitlife syndrome?Life expectancy has started to peak as inequality risesSat Sept 01 2018 - 05:00
Shane Ross is helping to fight against fascismJohn McManus: Minister and Independents are a bulwark against strong-man politicsFri Aug 10 2018 - 01:15
John McManus: Why did Robert Pitt take on Denis O’Brien and Leslie Buckley?Former chief executive crucially was an outsider in tightly-knit corporate IrelandSat Apr 21 2018 - 05:00
How have we all ended up working for free for waste collection firms?John McManus: Panda has enslaved me as an unpaid rubbish sorter facing finesFri Mar 02 2018 - 09:11
John McManus: English deserve a break over BrexitIrish smugness about UK folly must be tempered by memory of independenceFri Jan 19 2018 - 01:00
Irish-based structure may still help Apple avoid billions in taxParadise Papers: Apple says it changed residency of its Irish subsidiaries but insists move did not reduce tax paymentsTue Nov 07 2017 - 01:00
The stockmarket says everything about the Government’s housing policy€700 million new entrant Glenveagh sees little chance of meaningful intervention to reduce pricesFri Oct 13 2017 - 01:00
John McManus: Eoghan Murphy has to do more than just get his crazy onVulture funds must be convinced that building homes now is the rational courseWed Aug 16 2017 - 01:00
John McManus: UN Committee against Torture now last resort for Irish NGOsDomestic dead ends force campaigners to turn to Geneva in effort to embarrass Government into actionWed Aug 02 2017 - 01:41
John McManus: Why we should resist efforts to rein in Dáil privilegeThe squabbling post Paul Murphy’s acquittal is a small price to pay for an open forumFri Jul 21 2017 - 00:45
John McManus: State should split St Vincent’s or risk creating a monsterTaxpayer-funded assets will be controlled by opaque group with deep enthusiasm for private medicineWed May 31 2017 - 01:06
Why we keep making the same mistakes over housingJohn McManus: Politicians and builders are united in need for rising house pricesWed May 17 2017 - 03:00
John McManus: Maternity hospital row has as much to do with money as GodSVHG has protected its own financial interests through taking control of the new hospitalFri Apr 28 2017 - 10:17
John McManus: Rural broadband is as much a human right as access to free waterMaybe the the time is right for a new movement modelled on the water campaignWed Apr 12 2017 - 16:10
John McManus: Taoiseach blows out Mary Robinson’s lightOffer to extend presidential franchise raises uncomfortable questions about diasporaSat Mar 18 2017 - 06:00
John McManus: Who is really the fascist? The limits to free speech in IrelandFew believe free speech should have no limits, but where is the cut-off point?Fri Mar 03 2017 - 10:41
John McManus: No stopping Dáil committees after rulingKerins case judgment means committees are free under privilege to abuse citizensMon Feb 06 2017 - 10:13
What Enda Kenny didn’t tell the “global elite” at DavosFragility of Goverment due to growing anger over inequality probably not mentionedFri Jan 20 2017 - 16:02
The State is about to create another housing bubbleThe Irish economy is set to repeat its old mistake of excess mortgage-lendingWed Jan 04 2017 - 09:29
John McManus: Apple’s adventures in tax wonderlandThe US giant thinks that governments exploit loopholes to make firms pay taxWed Dec 21 2016 - 01:00
John McManus: Why don't we make TK Whitakers anymore?Did his plan’s success paradoxically contribute to the crash and rise of populist politics?Thu Dec 08 2016 - 14:56
John McManus: Only one in five is living the Irish dreamFair rewards are elusive and this creates a breeding ground for populist solutionsFri Nov 25 2016 - 13:23
Ireland: Best little country for plucking refugees out of the seaWe are slow to take in refugees but dispatch rescue ships with great gustoFri Oct 21 2016 - 16:03
We have found the cure for crime – it’s called jobsNew figures are not good news for politicians on the ‘reopening Garda stations’ bandwagonFri Sept 30 2016 - 04:30
John McManus: Why Nama is in such trouble over Project EagleState agency should have blown the whistle on Northern Ireland sale but chose not toSat Sept 17 2016 - 05:00
John McManus: Why we have no right to spend Apple’s €13bnThe money does not belong to us and we should give it back to its ownersWed Aug 31 2016 - 19:21
Free the Nipple and simplifying the battle for social justiceCarina Fitzpatrick made a statement on everything from parenting to sexualitySat Aug 06 2016 - 02:07
John McManus: Outrage over vulture fund tax avoidance rings a little hollowCharties have been used for years to reduce tax on international deals done from DublinSat Jul 30 2016 - 02:49
John McManus: Housing plan looks like a bailout for buildersIt’s not that the Government can’t bring down house prices, more that they don’t want toSun Jul 24 2016 - 11:18
John McManus: Nama’s worst nightmare comes a step closerReluctance to face up to Project Eagle fiasco may cost agency dearlySat Jul 16 2016 - 01:35
John McManus: Paul Murphy is Ireland’s Boris JohnsonIrish Water is to Murphy what Euroscepticsm was to Johnson. It is the single issue that keeps on giving and that he never wants to see resolvedSat Jul 09 2016 - 00:41
John McManus: What Moody’s A rating really tells us about the new politicsLittle concern that a resurgent Dáil will be allowed stray too far from the economic status quoSat May 21 2016 - 02:03
John McManus: the great motor insurance price hike mysteryIf motor insurance is so unprofitable, why does anybody do it?Wed May 04 2016 - 01:00
John McManus: Are we about to bail out the private hospitals?It is hard to believe that we have created a private hospital system that is too big to failWed Apr 27 2016 - 01:23
John McManus: How does Joshua Molloy differ from the Supermarket Jihadi?Both men eventually seem to have grown tired and disenchanted with war and fightingWed Apr 20 2016 - 01:38
John McManus: TDs have much to gain from publishing their tax returnsWould we elect more politicans like Michael Lowry if we knew about their finances?Wed Apr 13 2016 - 13:40
John McManus: Imagine if the Panama Papers weren’t a hoaxPity Frank Flannery and all those caught up in the Mossack Fonseca leakWed Apr 06 2016 - 17:26
Panama Papers: Developer used firm to shield assets from NamaRay Grehan's quarter-share in €50m Dutch casino transferred to British Virgin Islands firmTue Apr 05 2016 - 13:27
John McManus: Is it valid to compare 1916 rebels to Islamic State?UK commentators have gone where Irish ones fear to treadWed Mar 30 2016 - 10:36