Children’s rights threatened by Government plan, judges warnDepartment wants to remove right of court-appointed guardians to legal representationThu Oct 27 2016 - 01:00
Time for sentencing guidelines for dangerous driving causing deathCourt of Appeal judge says a degree of consistency is desirable and appropriateTue Oct 25 2016 - 05:00
Tom Curran, partner of Marie Fleming, disappointed at inquiryRight-to-die activist died in 2013 after a long battle with MSMon Oct 24 2016 - 16:48
Union warns special pay deals will trigger knock-on claimsSpecial treatment for striking gardaí and teachers ‘unacceptable’, Impact cautionsMon Oct 24 2016 - 09:13
Letterkenny has record level of emergency childcare requestsLetterkenny District Court saw 1,117 cases around childcare in 2015, project reportsMon Oct 24 2016 - 01:00
Jobstown trial: Schoolboy discharged after false imprisonment verdictJudge says former tánaiste and adviser forcibly detained during water charge protestFri Oct 21 2016 - 21:59
Father of boy in Jobstown trial says verdict will be appealedProtesters chanted ‘Jobstown innocent, Labour guilty’ during the court hearingFri Oct 21 2016 - 15:25
Woman abused by husband granted separationJudge says father, who was jailed for violence, is unfit to share custody of young sonWed Oct 19 2016 - 21:35
Garda strikes would halt criminal cases, lawyers sayApplications to have new cases struck out will be made, solicitor warnsWed Oct 19 2016 - 18:33
Backgrounder: JobBridge controversial from the startDetractors of scheme warned it could be used by unscrupulous employers for cheap labourTue Oct 18 2016 - 20:02
Prostitute-users responsible for ‘lives stolen by trafficking’Second National Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking in Ireland launchedMon Oct 17 2016 - 15:55
Government ‘holds discretion’ to appoint judges - MinisterFitzgerald’s view clashes with Independent stance that appointments must await reformMon Oct 17 2016 - 15:09
Goal timeline: From small beginnings to Ireland’s largest aid agencyOrganisation, under fire over Syrian operation, began in 1977 after a £10,000 donationThu Oct 13 2016 - 14:31
Child in care had 20 changes of access supervisor in two yearsPsychologist says situation unsatisfactory but ‘not too different to others’Thu Oct 13 2016 - 01:02
Family Court: Case ‘a fight between foster carers and father’Child ‘wants both’ argues guardian, psychologist says student needs permanencyWed Oct 12 2016 - 01:00
Grim and daunting: Dublin child care court moves to new settingBuilding is far from ideal for cases involving families of children taken into careTue Oct 11 2016 - 19:28
Consistency needed in hearing child’s voice in courtCare Leavers’ Network call for national service for court-appointed guardiansMon Oct 10 2016 - 01:00
Bar Council nomination of regulator ‘matter of internal procedure’Department of Justice ‘pleased’ council is satisfied its procedures were followedMon Oct 10 2016 - 01:00
Scheme for judges to top up pensions delayed by ‘decade or more’Association of Judges of Ireland say ‘obstacles’ have been put in way of judiciaryMon Oct 10 2016 - 01:00
Fitzgerald to query how Bar Council chose nominee for boardMember of Law Library claims David Barniville’s nomination was not transparentFri Oct 07 2016 - 01:00
Judges criticial of plan to alter eligibility for expensesCourt sittings could be disrupted if judges rise early to be home by ‘reasonable hour’Mon Oct 03 2016 - 01:00
One in six in direct provision are already allowed stay in IrelandC&AG report says people are continuing to live in centres after being granted statusSat Oct 01 2016 - 01:00
Fees for guardians in childcare cases set at €125 an hourCourt-appointed guardians cost State total of €9.1 million to provide in 2015Fri Sept 30 2016 - 14:26
Government jet was sold for €350,000 less than valueSpare parts bought for €1.4 million were sold for €53,000, C&AG reportsFri Sept 30 2016 - 14:21
Childcare budget focus ‘remains on low-income families’Katherine Zappone says benefits for ‘squeezed middle’ depend on level of investmentThu Sept 29 2016 - 18:51
No new judges until law on appointments passes, says RossIndependent Alliance minister also calls for declaration of interests for judgesTue Sept 27 2016 - 01:00
Draft plan considers recognising Travellers as ethnic groupNational Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy to be signed off by end of 2016Mon Sept 26 2016 - 16:19
Age Action calls for increase in pension and home help hoursMore than 85,000 people over 65 are living in deprivation, Irish charity saysMon Sept 26 2016 - 00:01
Warning issued over quality and availability of childcareSecond year of free pre-school ‘too difficult’ to deliver, warns Early Childhood IrelandSun Sept 25 2016 - 17:39
Husband claims doctor told patient: ‘I’m sorry, I poisoned you’Medical Council told of allegations by husband of chemo overdose patient against oncologistFri Sept 23 2016 - 16:48
Toddler in care after being found with her unconscious fatherGirl was soaking wet when she was discovered in her buggy in a park, court hearsFri Sept 23 2016 - 01:00
Transdev says public disorder on Luas lines reducedLuas drivers reported 320 incidents this year, while customer complaints also downWed Sept 21 2016 - 08:22
Women’s Council says budget must deal with childcare costsBody welcomes new system of subsidising childcare being considered by GovernmentWed Sept 21 2016 - 01:00
Investment ‘key’ to reducing numbers of children in careCare Leavers’ Network Ireland calls for €80 million extra for Tusla in budgetTue Sept 20 2016 - 13:27
Former AG Michael McDowell backs call for judicial councilSuggestion of register of interests for judges dropped from Seanad motionMon Sept 19 2016 - 19:18
Recruiting social workers would aid foster careProfits of private companies could be used to build State’s resourcesMon Sept 19 2016 - 01:00
Private foster care is three times more expensive, figures showTusla paid €18.35m to nine companies last year to source, vet and support carersMon Sept 19 2016 - 01:00
Awards for car crash claims stable for past six years, board saysInjuries Board says money paid out has been static despite rises in insurance premiumsWed Sept 14 2016 - 14:28
More than 60,000 students receiving Junior Cert resultsResults in 26 subjects may be obtained online after 4pm or directly from schoolsWed Sept 14 2016 - 11:30
Motor insurers to be quizzed on suspected competition breachesCommission checking if insurers have signalled premiums rises to each otherWed Sept 14 2016 - 01:00
Mismanagement causes car insurance hikes, say lawyersLegal costs play ‘a very small role’ in insurance costs, Oireachtas committee toldTue Sept 13 2016 - 17:09
EPA unable to find cause of contaminated water in MayoBoil water notice continues to be in operation for 46,500 people whose supply is affectedTue Sept 13 2016 - 11:23
School sex education negative and out of touch, says studyTeachers who protect students from ridicule increase engagement in subject, researchers findTue Sept 13 2016 - 01:00
Irish Water knew of water contamination risk in Co MayoEPA warned utility about cryptosporidium threat at Lough Mask water scheme last yearMon Sept 12 2016 - 18:46
Three killed, two seriously injured in weekend crashesRSA appeals for people to take personal responsibility on the roadsSun Sept 11 2016 - 21:37
Withdrawn child care case ‘too toxic and cost too much’District Court judge had already heard 29 days of evidence and was to hear further daysThu Sept 08 2016 - 20:07
Dublin protest over detention of Irish citizen in IranProf Homa Hoodfar held on charges including collaborating with hostile governmentWed Sept 07 2016 - 18:42
Brexit will not hit tourism in Ireland, Minister saysShane Ross dismisses the sector’s ‘prophets of doom’ at the launch of industry awardsWed Sept 07 2016 - 15:06
Dublin Bus strike: Illegal to allow private cars use bus lanes, says RossMinister calls on management at the bus company and unions to ‘get talking again’Wed Sept 07 2016 - 13:14
Beaumont says neurosurgery unit operating close to capacityHead of neurosurgical unit says there were no beds on Friday for nine patients with malignant tumoursTue Sept 06 2016 - 20:25