The vagina detector test at the entrance to the Vatican is not about to be decommissioned
Pope Francis’s pontificate has been about evasion as well as empathy, and he has made it clear holy orders are reserved for men
Nobody should be mocked or lampooned for decrying the consequences of the new arms race
The Irish approach to foreign policy should not be to exaggerate our purity or indulge dictators, but neither should we parrot criticisms of our neutrality from miliary aligned states
Burning question for Europe now is how to deal with an elected American tyrant
Donald Trump’s presidency has also generated a new focus on questions of identity and doubt in Europe
Éamon de Valera was the first to suggest ‘garden cabins’ as a solution to an Irish social dilemma
Continuity of ‘implacable social systems’ witnesses the refloating of an old focus on the back garden
Experiences of Troubles victims have run like submerged streams beneath the dry land of blame
Families have different views on the Omagh inquiry, but what they all hold sacred is the need for their loved ones’ stories to be heard
Ministerial overload isn’t going to solve our problems. Neither is Civil Service squeeze
Enduring power of ‘permanent government’ - the Civil Service - may explain why only ex-ministers speak frankly after leaving government
Underground cabling could answer challenge of keeping lights on after storms
Technical challenges and cost of extensive underground cabling would be enormous but ESB needs to produce a plan to cope with scale of climate change
Power and Powerlessness in Union Ireland: illuminating Ireland pre-independence
Author turns to new and often-overlooked source material for a fresh examination of the nation before independence
Biden’s legacy will be tarnished by his vanity and stubbornness
The outgoing US president will also be remembered for disastrous foreign policy choices, including his refusal to curb the excesses of Israel
Forget pandering to Independent TDs, these are the issues the new government needs to deal with
The consequences of business as usual are ever more frightening, particularly in relation to climate change
Sobering reality for Sinn Féin is that many voters don’t share its focus on unity
As united Ireland advocates discovered in 1925, possible routes to the desired outcome need to be understood in language and methods that are clear and precise
It’s time Dublin had a statue to unconventional, complex Maud Gonne MacBride
Attitudes to her have been reductive, shaped by the mores of the time and her failed marriage
During this hard men era, Ireland would do well to remember Seán MacBride’s words
MacBride asked ‘if those vested with authority and power practice injustice, resort to torture and killing, is it not inevitable that those who are victims will react with similar methods?’
Do not, on any account, forget the importance of the perfect Christmas hairstyling
How to achieve the perfect Christmas tree, the perfect table setting, the perfect family time: don’t bother trying. Reject perfection is all its greedy, grabbing guises
Is it time for Opposition parties to come together under the banner ‘Put them out’?
Given today’s political landscape, the current Opposition might well profit from looking closely at what happened in 1948