Fairer taxation system a first step to ending fraudNEWS during the last week can only have confirmed many of the prejudices of that group commonly known as "hard-pressed PAYE taxpayers…Fri Sept 27 1996 - 01:00
VHI board looks for Duncan's successorTHE VHI board is to meet next Monday to consider the appointment of a new chief executiveFri Sept 27 1996 - 01:00
MRBI sells a 72% stake to British groupTHE British quoted market information company Taylor Nelson AGB has purchased a 72 per cent stake in the Market Research Bureau…Wed Sept 25 1996 - 01:00
Rabbitte devising new investment safeguardsNEW proposals on the regulation of investment intermediaries are to be put to Government by the Minister for Commerce, Science…Tue Sept 24 1996 - 01:00
Duncan resigns as VHI chief executiveMR Brian Duncan, the chief executive of the VHI, has resigned from the company.Sat Sept 21 1996 - 01:00
Hands-On UileverTHE story of how Niall FitzGerald joined Unilever "by accident" has become something of a corporate legendFri Sept 20 1996 - 01:00
Duncan dismisses "unjust" reportTHE chief executive of the VHI has said he will respond in full to criticisms of him in a report put before the company's board…Fri Sept 20 1996 - 01:00
Helping low tech employers in era of industrial changeINDUSTRIAL restructuring may sound like an abstract concept but it became all too real this week for the 650 employees in Semperit…Fri Sept 20 1996 - 01:00
VHI board meets Duncan to discuss way aheadTODAY'S board meeting of the VHI is expected to ask chief executive Mr Brian Duncan for his response to a report recommending…Thu Sept 19 1996 - 01:00
Why fighting welfare fraud is not as simple as it seemsTHE sequence of events since the results of the Central Statistics Office examination of the unemployment live register started…Thu Sept 19 1996 - 01:00
Discord erupts at `caring' VHIPENSIONS around the VHI boardroom table have been building for some time, but are now coming to a head as a report from a sub…Wed Sept 18 1996 - 01:00
VHI board urged to end contract of managing directorA REPORT to be considered by the VHI board tomorrow recommends that the contract of managing director, Mr Brian Duncan, be terminated…Wed Sept 18 1996 - 01:00
Clash between VHI board and MD imminentA CLASH between the board of the VHI and its managing director is expected, as a report recommending significant changes at the…Tue Sept 17 1996 - 01:00
Competition increases VHI tensionSERIOUS tensions between the board and management of the VIII are likely to be aired at a meeting of the company's board later…Mon Sept 16 1996 - 01:00
Cabinet pledges action on dole fraudTHE Government is examining how to respond to a survey showing, widespread fraud among those on the unemployment live register…Sat Sept 14 1996 - 01:00
Welfare fraud findings present Government with a dilemmaTHE Government may yet regret it ever decided to try to discover the "real" level of unemploymentSat Sept 14 1996 - 01:00
Maastricht is real bogeyman in the eyes of Central BankSO MUCH for all the fuss about inflationFri Sept 13 1996 - 01:00
VHI reviews operations as competitions nearsTHE VHI board has started a wide ranging review of the company's operations.Tue Sept 10 1996 - 01:00
Money market rates steady after Central Bank scareTHE Dublin money markets were yesterday indicating that there was no immediate pressure on retail interest rates, after Central…Sat Sept 07 1996 - 01:00
Currency exchange rate key part of EU finance ministers' meetingWHEN EU finance ministers gather Dublin in a fortnight's time for one of the key meetings of the Irish presidency, they will …Sat Sept 07 1996 - 01:00
Taylor investors identify themselvesINVESTORS who have lost £1.6 million to £1Thu Sept 05 1996 - 01:00
Wobbly France the weak link in EMUTHE crunch is approaching in the run up to EU monetary unionFri Aug 30 1996 - 01:00
Minister must initiate more pro active policy for regulating brokersTHE regulation of financial brokers has been a game of pass the parcel for yearsTue Aug 27 1996 - 01:00
Fidelity catalyst in Departmental inquiryTHE investors behind the complaints against fund manager Mr Tony Taylor first became aware that there might be problems at the…Fri Aug 23 1996 - 01:00
German move fails to prevent rate riseWHEN the news of the German interest rate cut came from Frankfurt at around noon yesterday, the Dublin market held its breath…Fri Aug 23 1996 - 01:00
Loss leaders at risk as interest rates set to riseNUMBER of the major banks and building societies are considering interest rate increases and announcements of higher rates for…Fri Aug 09 1996 - 01:00
Central Bank sends clear signal for higher ratesTHE forensic evidence of recent days shows the Central Bank is guilty of engineering the forthcoming rise in interest ratesFri Aug 09 1996 - 01:00
Higher interest rates now seem inevitableAN increase in bank and building society interest rates now appears inevitable, as wholesale interest rates continue to indicate…Thu Aug 08 1996 - 01:00
Money market signs point to interest rate increaseBANK and building society interest rates are set to increase shortly, unless interest rates ease on the wholesale money market…Wed Aug 07 1996 - 01:00
Parental Central Bank gives credit where credit is dueHAVING risen sharply to almost 14 per cent during the currency crisis of late 1992/ 93, mortgage interest rates have been on …Wed Aug 07 1996 - 01:00
American may buy 25% of RyanairUS investor David Bonderman has emerged as the leading contender to take a 25 per cent stake in Ryanair, the privately owned …Wed Aug 07 1996 - 01:00
Interest rate weapon may safeguard EMU criteriaTHERE is no doubt that the next move in Irish interest rates will be upwards. The only question is when it will happenSat Aug 03 1996 - 01:00
Government will have to budget for two card trickGOVERNMENT tax policy is changingFri Aug 02 1996 - 01:00
Government's numbers are coming upRUAIRI Quinn and his Cabinet colleagues will be hoping their winning economic run can continue for just one more yearTue Jul 30 1996 - 01:00
Markets waits in vain for the bank that likes to say "nein"THE Bundesbank has enhanced its reputation as the bank that likes to say "nein"Fri Jul 26 1996 - 01:00
Dr O'Connor resigns from Bord na Mona by agreementDR Eddie O'Connor has resigned from Bord Na Mona following the agreement of a settlement package with the GovernmentSat Jul 13 1996 - 01:00
Terse late-night statement ends three months of dramaTHE Bord na Mona drama, which had already seen its share of late night productions had its final show stopping performance late…Sat Jul 13 1996 - 01:00
Natural justice to form basis for legal challengeIF the Bord na Mona saga does end up in court, then Eddie O'Connor's case will centre on whether the legal principles of natural…Fri Jul 12 1996 - 01:00
Time to debate the full cost of the single currencyLATER this month, a report from the Economic and Social Research Institute may finally stir up a debate in Ireland about the …Fri Jul 12 1996 - 01:00
Opposing sides look at options to end impasseIT was the case of the calm after the storm in the Bord na Mona affair yesterday, with both sides examining the consequences …Thu Jul 11 1996 - 01:00
Settlement talks' failure left Minister with few optionsTHE Government's main priority when it met to discuss the Bord na Mona controversy last night was to get the whole thing dealt…Wed Jul 10 1996 - 01:00
Never-ending story at Bord na MonaLIKE most of the matches in Euro 96, the Bord na Mona saga seems destined to go to extra time and penaltiesSat Jul 06 1996 - 01:00
Each vote to count if board votes on O'ConnorThe Bord na Mona saga is entering its final chapterFri Jul 05 1996 - 01:00
The escalation of tension means no going back for Dineen and O'ConnorTHERE can be no more telling moment in the Bord na Mona affair than the decision by managing director Dr Eddie O'Connor and chairman…Tue Jul 02 1996 - 01:00
Alliance allows Telecom to consider future options"LIFE is about finding ways forward", says Telecom Eireann chief executive Mr Alfie KaneFri Jun 28 1996 - 01:00
Low cash element in Telecom deal offset by access to global networkTHE sale of a stake in Telecom Eireann threatened or a long time to become a disaster for the Government and the Telecommunications…Thu Jun 27 1996 - 01:00
Board may deliver `hospital pass' to GovernmentSo far, the only winners from the Bord na Mona saga are the legal teams on both sides and the Dublin hotels which are hosting…Tue Jun 25 1996 - 01:00
Tensions rise at Bord na MonaTENSIONS in the Bord na Mona boardroom are rising ahead of this week's crucial meeting, with Dr Eddie O'Connor saying someone…Mon Jun 17 1996 - 01:00
THE WEEK IN THE MARKETSIT was a week when, in news terms, second liners captured most of the attention, with a few surprise announcements hitting the…Sat Jun 15 1996 - 01:00
More questions to be answered in the Bord na Mona sageTHE Bord na Mona saga just keeps on goingSat Jun 15 1996 - 01:00