Waterford boards back new Avonmore offer of £337mPLANS for a merger between too of Ireland's biggest dairy companies are back on track, after the two main boards controlling …Tue May 27 1997 - 01:00
Single currency promises to be roller coaster ride for businessIRISH business has had to get used to currency instability in recent yearsMon May 26 1997 - 01:00
Shaping up for fight to finish on economyROUND one is over, and like two ageing prizefighters the Government and the Opposition appear to have fought almost to a standstill…Sat May 24 1997 - 01:00
FG attacks PD "wait and see" approach as being at odds with FFTHE Progressive Democrats have said Ireland must "keep its options open" on joining monetary union, leading to a strong attack…Fri May 23 1997 - 01:00
Case of parties trying to have cake and eat itHOW much of the Progressive Democrats' agenda would be reflected if the party got into government with Fianna Fail? That is one…Fri May 23 1997 - 01:00
Labour, DL tax plans seek allowance increasesWELL over £100 of weekly income would be exempted entirely from tax, under plans to be put forward by the Labour Party and Democratic…Tue May 20 1997 - 01:00
Spreading jam after days of bread and butterROLL up, roll up, for the prosperity auction. Opening bids are being taken at £1Tue May 20 1997 - 01:00
Slugging it out on tax in the Battle of the BillionsFIANNA FAIL has launched "Round Two" in the election tax contest, a bout which will run to polling daySat May 17 1997 - 01:00
Tax plans to be unveiled in dance of 3 manifestosTHE election tax battleground is beginning to come into focusFri May 16 1997 - 01:00
Corporate tax plan laid out to lure investmentIN an attempt to secure continued investment from major multinationals, the Government has outlined its plans for the corporate…Wed May 14 1997 - 01:00
It's the tax system, stupid!IT'S the tax system, stupid! All the parties know that their tax cut packages will be central in the election campaignTue May 13 1997 - 01:00
FF plan trumps Government'sWITH the Government shortly expected to announce its intention to aim for a gradual move to a 12Fri May 09 1997 - 01:00
Confident Ryanair moves to cut swathe through European skiesCAN the formula which has brought Ryanair such success flying from Dublin to the UK be repeated across Europe? Those who invest…Wed May 07 1997 - 01:00
Department resists Corporation Tax planTHE Department of Finance is believed to be resisting proposals for an early announcement that the Government will move to one…Mon May 05 1997 - 01:00
Paper chase on Dunnes money trailTHE Dunnes payments tribunal adjourned this week amid intense speculation about whether the public will learn the contents of…Sat May 03 1997 - 01:00
Layman's guide to pound's slump on currency marketHow significant was the pound's fall yesterday?Thu May 01 1997 - 01:00
Desmond increases Golden Vale shareFINANCIER Mr Dermot Desmond has spent around £2.2 million increasing his stake in Golden Vale from 5Wed Apr 30 1997 - 01:00
Special tax reliefs granted to seven airportsIN a pre-election move, the Cabinet has approved major new tax incentives for businesses investing around the State's seven regional…Wed Apr 30 1997 - 01:00
Cabinet's corporate tax group to meetA CABINET sub committee for tax is due to meet tomorrow to discuss proposals for major reforms in corporate taxation, but it …Tue Apr 29 1997 - 01:00
Political imperative is to make EMU figures workENTHUSIASTS of EMU are having a good time of it at the moment, with politicians providing daily evidence that they will move …Fri Apr 25 1997 - 01:00
Precise routeing of claimed transactions establishedTHE tribunal team has established firm details of the trail involved in the payments of almost £1Tue Apr 22 1997 - 01:00
Documents contained detailed accounts of £1.1m paymentsIT started in a series of legal letters, the contents of which were definitely never intended for publication.Sat Apr 19 1997 - 01:00
Dempsey discusses future at WaterfordMR Michael Dempsey, the finance director of Waterford Foods, is believed to be discussing his future at the group with other …Tue Apr 15 1997 - 01:00
Inflation rate rises just 0.1%THE rate of inflation remains very moderate despite the high level of economic growth according to the latest official figures…Fri Apr 11 1997 - 01:00
EMU given little currency as election issue for partiesTURN to any media coverage of the British election and it is clear that the single currency is one of the big issues Not as big…Fri Apr 11 1997 - 01:00
Competition proves good for consumersIF you think, for a minute, about business buzz words, a few in common use come to mindMon Apr 07 1997 - 01:00
Mitterrand clause returns to haunt EMU hopefulsIN December 1991, in Maastricht, the late Francois Mitterrand, then French prime minister, succeeded in getting a vital clause…Fri Apr 04 1997 - 01:00
Finance firm is looking to the Far EastKB Financial Services, the IFSC operation managed by Irish Intercontinental Bank, is growing rapidly and sees major opportunities…Tue Apr 01 1997 - 01:00
Irish market has ability to meet Tesco challengeTHE reaction to Tesco's arrival into the Irish market has been interestingMon Mar 31 1997 - 01:00
Soldier's hearing claims may cost State £350mTHE cost to the Exchequer of claims lodged by current and former Army members for hearing impairment could be as high as £350…Sat Mar 29 1997 - 00:00
Approaching monetary union with confidenceTHE Government has not yet named the day, but Ruairi Quinn does not deny that the election campaign is already under way.Tue Mar 25 1997 - 00:00
Shake up of retail sector likely as UK giant moves inIT MIGHT be an exaggeration to say that shopping will never be the same againSat Mar 22 1997 - 00:00
Claims of £1.1m payments detailed in correspondenceDETAILS of allegations of payments of more than £1 million from Dunnes Stores to a senior Fianna Fail figure are contained in…Thu Mar 06 1997 - 00:00
Sterling pothole on road to monetary unionTHE Government and the Central Bank are facing their first big test on the road to monetary union.Sat Feb 08 1997 - 00:00
Pound's climb intensifies Central Bank's difficultiesTHE pound has risen further in the ERM band, intensifying the difficulties facing the Central Bank in managing the currencySat Feb 08 1997 - 00:00
Law prevents stake of over 15% for 5 yearsBUILDING society legislation prevents anyone building up a stake of more than 15 per cent for five years after an institution…Thu Feb 06 1997 - 00:00
Ben Dunne affidavit central to tribunalAN AFFIDAVIT sworn by Mr Ben Duane for legal proceedings against the rest of the Duane family will be central to the tribunal…Thu Feb 06 1997 - 00:00
Compromise puts new focus on the EMU debateEU central bankers and monetary officials are finally turning their minds to what is turning into a highly controversial issue…Wed Feb 05 1997 - 00:00
Growth in jobs and spending to boost tax takeFIGURES to be published today will show that tax revenues were exceptionally strong last month, auguring well for the Exchequer…Tue Feb 04 1997 - 00:00
Telecoms revolution shakes phone monophonesTHE sale of a stake in Telecom Eireann comes against the background of unprecendented change in the international telecommunications…Fri Jan 31 1997 - 00:00
Cold hand of competition reaches for greedy publicansTHE Government makes a lot of noise about introducing competition into the economy, not least in the latest row over the price…Fri Jan 31 1997 - 00:00
Station seeks 10% market shareRADIO Ireland's aim for its first year is to take 10 per cent of the current £40 million radio advertising market.Fri Jan 31 1997 - 00:00
Policy re-evaluation of corporate taxationTHE Irish corporate tax system does not face any imminent changes due to objections from Germany and Belgium, according to Government…Wed Jan 29 1997 - 00:00
AIB set to break up Goodbody stockbrokersAIB is set to break up Goodbody stockbrokers by integrating the broker's bond dealing team with the existing AIB Capital Markets…Wed Jan 29 1997 - 00:00
Ahern's AgendaFIANNA Fail has to develop a distinctive economic message to sell to the electorateFri Jan 24 1997 - 00:00
Public spending may yet hauntRUAIRI Quinn will know that he can happily ignore most of the learned commentary on the BudgetFri Jan 24 1997 - 00:00
Fertile mid income Dubliners without a mortgage win outIT WAS a Budget for the middle income earnersThu Jan 23 1997 - 00:00
Temporary chief executive now likely at VHITHE VHI, facing competition in the Irish market for the first time, now appears likely to appoint a temporary chief executive…Sat Jan 18 1997 - 00:00