This ‘spending’ budget banks on buoyant economyWith extra resources to be poured into housing and health, overall in 2019 the tax burden on the economy will rise – with plenty of reasons for cautionWed Oct 10 2018 - 00:16
Budget 2019: What exactly will it mean for your pocket?Cliff Taylor: Basic gains for taxpayers come in below €5 a week, though some will gain moreTue Oct 09 2018 - 17:47
Budget to unveil new tax on multinational asset-shiftingMove will restrict big companies transferring IP assets to other parts of their operationsTue Oct 09 2018 - 11:07
High earners paid extra €38.5m in tax as rules curbed reliefsBulk of additional money in 2016 came from 149 taxpayers earning more than €400,000Mon Oct 08 2018 - 06:38
Follow the money: Budget 2019 is about spending not tax cutsMinisters are playing up tax reductions, but the extra cash is going to higher spendingSat Oct 06 2018 - 05:00
New figures show tight position for Government on budget dayExchequer benefits from late corporation tax surge this year, but needs new revenues for 2019Sat Oct 06 2018 - 01:00
The four tricks the super rich use to avoid paying taxSmart Money: High income PAYE taxpayers pay at a higher rate than the wealthiestThu Oct 04 2018 - 12:47
Cliff Taylor: It remains hard to see a way forward on BrexitIrish firms face the prospect of rising business and economic uncertainty in the months aheadWed Oct 03 2018 - 05:30
Ireland has not applied the lessons of the economic crashCliff Taylor: We must start managing our economy in defensive mode and hold on to gainsSat Sept 29 2018 - 05:00
Many of Ireland's wealthiest taxed at rate below average workerC&AG report shows huge variation in tax paid by 334 high net worth individualsFri Sept 28 2018 - 19:07
Is Ireland’s 9% growth forecast the return of Leprechaun economics?Smart Money: Irish economic data is being severely skewed by the multinationalsThu Sept 27 2018 - 18:34
EU confident of digital tax despite Irish objectionsPolitical agreement expected by year end on interim arrangement, says head of tax directorateWed Sept 26 2018 - 20:56
Cliff Taylor: Crash legacy will live on in your income tax billThe political decision has been made to hike spending – so the tax burden will not fallWed Sept 26 2018 - 05:38
The three golden rules of QuangolandCliff Taylor: Quangoland is back in businessSat Sept 22 2018 - 05:00
Five things you need to know about why the Irish Border is blocking a Brexit dealSmart Money: Everything you wanted to know about the Border question, but were afraid to askThu Sept 20 2018 - 09:47
United Ireland after Brexit: do the sums add up?Cliff Taylor: Strategic thinking about the North’s economy is absent in Brexit debateWed Sept 19 2018 - 05:21
Fasten your seat-belts for a sterling roller coasterAs Brexit withdrawal talks reach a crunch phase, the UK currency is firmly in the spotlightMon Sept 17 2018 - 13:31
Cliff Taylor: Government being pulled deeper into housing marketLand agency may trap State between private and public house provisionSat Sept 15 2018 - 05:00
Do soaring house prices in Ireland really make us wealthy?Smart Money: The Irish model of wealth generation is tied up in boom-and-bust Irish house pricesThu Sept 13 2018 - 13:18
Cliff Taylor: Tax heat being turned up on GovernmentEnd of unanimity voting on tax would be hugely dangerous to IrelandWed Sept 12 2018 - 13:21
Property tax: There is trouble ahead but this tax needs to be savedDoing nothing is not an option with revaluation of properties due in November 2019Wed Sept 12 2018 - 07:36
Cliff Taylor: Far more danger in Brexit than just the BorderA no-deal Brexit is a very real risk and would bring chaos across a range of areasSat Sept 08 2018 - 05:00
Leo has revealed much of Budget 2019 – and here’s what it means for youSmart Money: Read Varadkar’s letter to Martin closely and you can calculate what the budget will mean for your pocketThu Sept 06 2018 - 13:02
Tax returns deliver reality check for budget spending plansTaxes were below expectations in August and so there won’t be much leeway on budget dayWed Sept 05 2018 - 07:54
Government warned over running budget deficit despite strong growthDepartment of Finance points out that national debt per head of population is €42,000Mon Sept 03 2018 - 12:29
Rental crisis: soaring cost of new leases pricing out middle earnersSmart Money: big gap emerging between new tenants and those with an existing leaseThu Aug 30 2018 - 13:04
Can Ireland really afford to cut taxes in Budget 2019?Cliff Taylor: Promised extra spending will take up most of our room for manoeuvreSat Aug 25 2018 - 05:00
Are you a high income earner if you are on €80,000 a year?Smart Money: Budget tax relief is to be aimed at ‘middle earners’. But what does this mean?Thu Aug 23 2018 - 12:28
Greek exit still leaves huge questions about crisis bailoutsCliff Taylor: The country faces huge challenges and targets it will struggle to meetWed Aug 22 2018 - 05:51
Sláintecare must not be sacrificed at the altar of Irish politicsCliff Taylor: Health plan must be given a real chance despite the demands of our systemSat Aug 18 2018 - 05:00
Five key reasons why you are still feeling financially stretchedSmart Money: No inflation and rising wages. So why don’t you feel better off?Thu Aug 16 2018 - 12:48
Can we finally escape the house price roller coaster?House price growth in Dublin is cooling as Central Bank rules and affordability kick inWed Aug 15 2018 - 05:35
Turkey’s economic crisis: warning lights are flashingCliff Taylor: Investors are looking for a much more robust response than seen to date, fearing the Turkish economy may be heading for a crashMon Aug 13 2018 - 12:53
What might Brexit mean for your pocket and your job prospects?Smart Money: a special report on what Brexit will mean for Irish householdsSat Aug 11 2018 - 21:57
Dublin’s housing crisis brings silver lining for the regionsSoaring rental costs in the capital leading more tech firms to locate outside DublinSat Aug 11 2018 - 05:00
Sterling slides to nine-month low on rising Brexit fearsBritish currency breaks through 90p ceiling, adding to Irish exporter woes but making cross-border shopping more attractiveWed Aug 08 2018 - 19:11
Cliff Taylor: Politics of Brexit could set off fireworks around sterlingFraught territory as sterling weakens and move over 90p to euro may ring alarm bellsWed Aug 08 2018 - 05:00
Cliff Taylor: Ross’s grandparent payment is bonkersIndependent Alliance idea must be killed off before time is wasted looking at itSat Aug 04 2018 - 05:00
Gym membership: why Ireland is among the most expensive in EuropeSmart Money: It’s not cheap but competition for the sweaty euro is benefiting consumersThu Aug 02 2018 - 06:00
NTMA latest to warn on State’s over-reliance on multinationalsCaution comes after strong concerns expressed by National Competitiveness CouncilWed Aug 01 2018 - 19:04
Economy flying on one engine towards stormy BrexitCliff Taylor: No quick fix to our economic reliance on handful of big playersWed Aug 01 2018 - 06:53
Ireland's reliance on five huge multinationals is a 'threat' to the economyThird of exports come from just five companies, according to competitiveness councilWed Aug 01 2018 - 01:12
Government highly likely to widen 20% tax band in 2019 budgetStrategy group suggests increasing diesel and carbon tax, and tax relief for self-employedTue Jul 31 2018 - 19:33
Central Bank urges caution with public finances but are politicians listening?Central Bank wants extra infrastructure to be paid for via higher taxes or lower spending, rather than more borrowingTue Jul 31 2018 - 04:30
Be prepared for a no-deal Brexit, warns Central BankGovernment and businesses advised not to take growth forecasts for grantedTue Jul 31 2018 - 00:01
Trump and Juncker have declared a trade ceasefire. Let’s see if it holdsBoth promised not to impose more tariffs and to find a way to remove those already introducedSat Jul 28 2018 - 06:00
Cliff Taylor: In aviation there is no fall-back position in a no-deal BrexitWhen the UK leaves the EU and becomes a ‘third country’, it ceases to be part of the fully-liberalised EU aviation marketSat Jul 28 2018 - 05:00
Are you still paying over the odds to insure your car?Smart Money: Premiums may have fallen but too many still paying too muchFri Jul 27 2018 - 12:55
Is the EU and US trade deal just a temporary ceasefire?A lot more talking needed to reach deal on cutting tariffs and other trade barriersThu Jul 26 2018 - 10:58
Some banks still don’t know how to behave properly towards their customersCentral Bank verdict is sobering: a decade after the crisis banks are still not focused on the consumerWed Jul 25 2018 - 03:20