‘I‘m self-employed, so Covid really made me watch my spending’

Me & My Money: Enya Martin, comedy writer and performer

Enya Martin, comedy writer and performer. Photograph: Marc O'Sullivan
Enya Martin, comedy writer and performer. Photograph: Marc O'Sullivan

Comedy writer and performer Enya Martin will be performing at Paddy Power Comedy Festival which runs in Dublin’s Iveagh Gardens, July 21st-24th.

Are you a saver or a spender?

Spender! I need to save by direct debit or else I’ll spend it.

Do you shop around for better value?


Before I moved in with my boyfriend, I never really cared about value until he drilled it into me. So now I always look for the best deals when I’m food shopping.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

An obvious one but probably my car. And I remember spending €200 on a bottle of perfume. A broke Enya 10 years ago would be in shock. I once lived off €100 a week.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

My car, I would be lost without it. It’s such an investment as it would be hard to do my job without it as I travel for work so much.

How did you prefer to shop during the Covid-19 restrictions - online or local?

Online. It’s so much more convenient.

Do you haggle over prices?

No, never. Definitely not in a retail store, maybe on a stall in the city centre.

How has the Covid-19 crisis changed your spending habits?

I was on the PUP [pandemic unemployment payment] during Covid. I’m self-employed, so that really made me start watching my spending again, especially spending money on takeaways.

Do you invest in shares?

It isn’t really something I’m interested in, but I could be one day.

Cash or card?

Card! I am so careless with cash. I lost €120 last week while food shopping because I keep money in my pockets and not a purse. Card is so much more convenient.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

The last thing I bought was an outfit for a concert. I will probably only ever wear it at another concert down the line, so no, it’s not really value for money.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?

It’s like I said, I’m not really a saver. As I’m self-employed I pay myself a wage so if something is coming up next month, I pay myself enough to cope with that.

Have you ever lost money?

I have lost so much over the years. Never trust me to mind your cash; I will be clumsy and careless with it.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win?

Gambling has never interested me. I think it’s a waste of money. The very, very odd time I would put on a few bob for the Grand National or a cup final match. When I was on the dole, every week I’d buy a €2 scratch card in the hope that I’d win something, but it never happened.

Is money important to you?

Yes, it is. At the moment, I feel I’m financially secure. I really don’t take that for granted as I remember a time when I barely got by with less than €100 a week. I don’t like feeling that there’s no money going into my account so I’m not an idle woman by any means. I’ll find a way to earn a living, always.

How much money do you have on you now?

None. I don’t carry cash because I keep losing it, remember! I don’t even have a €1 coin for a supermarket trolley.

in conversation with tony Clayton-Lea

Tickets for the Paddy Power Comedy Festival are available via www.ppcomedyfestival.com