Ires deal to silence activist won’t save it from tough questions at next week’s agm
Ires Reit has managed to temporarily muzzle activist Canadian fund Vision Capital that has waged a sell-up campaign since last April - but that won’t quieten the voices stirred by its crusade
Why do some shareholders in the Republic’s largest private residential landlord feel shortchanged?
Inside Business podcast with Ciarán Hancock
Ires Reit takes delivery of Merrion Road apartments for €41.7m
State's largest private landlord acquires 69 residential units at Dalata subsidiary's Tara View scheme
Goodbody and Eirgrid clash over tax exemptions for Reits
State not developers should decide on locations for green projects, says grid operator
Taoiseach signals ‘comprehensive’ plans to resume travel, sport and entertainment
Martin pointed to EU’s digital green certificate as framework for resumption of travel
Miriam Lord: Government in a flap about the cuckoo in the property nest
A nasty ‘variant’ of Greed-09 has swooped through an entire housing estate in Kildare
Does Green Reit buyer have tax-back case?
Commission’s determination on Abbvie case must have piqued Henderson Park’s interest
US shopping mall owners face financial reckoning
Investors bet debt will have to be restructured as retailers withhold rent
Home page: The new platform using AI to revolutionise the property market
4Property’s iPPi service aims to take the guesswork out of valuing properties
Green Reit deal on track despite €65m tax bill shock
Planned €1.34bn takeover of UK property firm Henderson Park moving towards conclusion
Green Reit’s suitor hit as Donohoe closes tax loopholes
Budget 2020: Minister takes aim at ‘aggressive’ tax avoidance in property funds
Reit dividends increase tenfold in four years
Four listed trusts paid €93.49 million in dividends last year
Dublin’s true social divide is revealed by housing map
New interactive resource shows the city’s social and economic divisions in stark detail
The main trends in the property rental sector
Industry leaders discuss the biggest trends in commercial and residential property
Dublin dominates property investment market
Great opportunities in commercial and residential property rental
Why Government response to housing crisis has failed
It defies logic to expect private rental sector to deliver the required number of units
European markets plateau after stocks surge to 14-month high
Rising bets for Federal Reserve interest rate rise stoke optimism about global growth
No women directors, no problem, or so the view appears within Ireland Inc
Caveat: No gender quotas and no improvement in women director numbers
Budget 2017: Will there be any help for landlords?
Many argue that high taxes are driving landlords from market
Market nervous as Noonan eyes tax avoidance structures
The ‘come for the rock-bottom prices, stay for the tax breaks’ pitch lured vulture funds to Irish property
No quick fix for home rental crisis, say experts
As rents reach new peak, experts says situation likely to get worse before getting better
Big property players sanguine about restrictions
Large firms take strategic view of State plans for residential rental sector
All eyes on first-half interim results at Irish Residential Properties Reit
As rents continue to rise the reits are cashing it in
Ireland’s best performing funds . . . and the worst
Bear in mind when choosing funds that different fund managers charge different fees and this can eat into your share of the pot
Back after the break: is now the time to take a punt on Irish commercial property?
Before you invest, consider some of the things that can go wrong when putting money into property
Nama confirms plan to redeem more senior bonds
Agency says it is hoping to close 50 per cent of its senior debt of €30.2 billion by the end of 2014
Wallace property sold for 50% of its current construction price
Independent TD claims property trusts could distort the market
Cantillon: Vote of confidence for Dublin exchange
The spate of flotations that has seen four new companies raise money in the market – with possibly more to come – is clearly good news
Home renovation tax break to boost construction
Home Renovation Initiative will incentivise domestic renovations and increase demand for small construction jobs
Green Property REIT launch has come at right time
Launch of a real estate investment trust is good news for borrowers, the Government and Nama
Central Bank economists call for capital gains tax link to house prices
Study says house prices may be below fair values
Crosswords & Puzzles
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people
Common Ground
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
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