Political rot in the UK, homelessness and Christmas

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Political rot has spread from US to UK: On Saturday, July 13th, 2018, you could not move in central London for the throngs of people protesting Donald Trump's arrival to the UK. Read more here.

A novel idea: propelling children to new levels of literacy: In the age of digital media there is a constant question put forward by parents and teachers alike - how do we encourage children to read rather than become absorbed by technology? Read more here.

Traveller activist and playwright conferred with PhD: A Traveller activist and playwright who came late to mainstream education was conferred with a PhD from Newcastle University of Northumbria in England on Tuesday. Read more here.

Difficult to gloss over the homelessness problem: As we enter winter and the days get colder, it becomes more difficult to gloss over the ever-growing homelessness problem. Read more here.


The schoolgirl wanted desperately to read a book. Her mother could not afford the €5: At this time of giving and receiving, I'd like to tell you a seasonal story. I know a woman who is a mother parenting three children alone. Her history is complex, her living situation extremely challenging. Read more here.

'I've had a Christmas on my own, with no gifts at all' All I want for Christmas . . . Jerry Fish: The singer-songwriter talks about his best and worst Christmases Read more here.

How three families teach their children Christmas isn't all about material things: Twinkling lights in shopping centres, Christmas music on loop, advertisement bombardments with "must haves" for all the family, and to-do lists as long as our arms, all create the perfect setting for the most materialistic time of the year. Read more here.

'The movie industry's acceptance of Roman Polanski must end' Roman Polanski has been cautious about making any explicit comparisons between himself and Alfred Dreyfus, the French officer whose trial generated a colossal debate about anti-Semitism at turn of the last century, but it requires no enormous stretch to read the director's latest film as a grumble against his own treatment at the hands of press and industry. Read more here.

Gaeilge san AE: an cruinneas 'an cháilíocht is mó atá ann' Cuireadh tuarascáil ón gCoimisiún Eorpach ar an dul chun cinn atá déanta maidir le deireadh le maolú na Gaeilge san Aontas Eorpach (AE) faoi bhráid Chomhchoiste na Gaeilge le gairid. Ar lean.