Leinster to open Pro12 campaign in Wales

Defending champions to play the Scarlets on first weekend of new season

Matt O'Connor's first competitive fixture as the new Leinster coach will take place at the Parc Y Scarlets as the defending champions travel to Wales on the opening round of the Rabo Pro12 season.

Leinster take on the Scarlets on the first weekend in September while runners-up Ulster are also in Wales on the opening weekend as they face the Newport-Gwent Dragons at Rodney Parade.

Munster and Connacht will both open their campaigns with home fixtures with Munster taking on Edinburgh and Pat Lam’s Connacht afforded a relatively benign start to his tenure with a match against Zebre.

Connacht will host the first Irish derby of the season when they take on Ulster at the Sportsground on the weekend of September 20th-22nd while the first Munster-Leinster clash will take place at Thomond Park on October 4th-6th.


Leinster will be launching a new era at the Parc y Scarlets, with Australian O’Connor now in charge after Joe Schmidt was appointed Ireland coach.

Leinster will have new signings Jimmy Gopperth, who comes in to replace Jonathan Sexton, and Zane Kirchner in their ranks this season while Brian O’Driscoll enters his final season, having agreed a one-year deal in May.

September 6th-8th
Treviso v Ospreys (Stadio Monigo)
Connacht v Zebre (Sportsground)
Glasgow v Blues (Scotstoun Stadium)
Munster v Edinburgh (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Ulster (Rodney Parade)
Scarlets v Leinster (Parc y Scarlets)

September 13th-15th
Blues v Connacht (Arms Park)
Edinburgh v Dragons (Murrayfield)
Leinster v Ospreys (Royal Dublin Society)
Scarlets v Treviso (Parc y Scarlets)
Ulster v Glasgow (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Munster (Stadio XXV Aprile)

September 20th-22nd
Treviso v Munster (Stadio Monigo)
Blues v Zebre (Arms Park)
Connacht v Ulster (Sportsground)
Glasgow v Leinster (Scotstoun)
Dragons v Scarlets (Rodney Parade)
Ospreys v Edinburgh (Liberty Stadium)

September 27th-29th
Connacht v Ospreys (Sportsground)
Edinburgh v Scarlets (Murrayfield)
Leinster v Blues (Royal Dublin Society)
Munster v Dragons (Thomond Park)
Ulster v Treviso (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Glasgow (Stadio XXV Aprile)

October 4th-6th
Treviso v Connacht (Stadio Monigo)
Blues v Edinburgh (Arms Park)
Munster v Leinster (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Zebre (Rodney Parade)
Ospreys v Ulster (Liberty Stadium)
Scarlets v Glasgow (Parc y Scarlets)

October 25th-27th
Edinburgh v Treviso (Murrayfield)
Glasgow v Munster (Scotstoun)
Leinster v Connacht (Royal Dublin Society)
Ospreys v Dragons (Liberty Stadium)
Ulster v Blues (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Scarlets (Stadio XXV Aprile)

November 1st-3rd
Blues v Treviso (Arms Park)
Connacht v Glasgow (Sportsground)
Edinburgh v Zebre (Murrayfield)
Munster v Ospreys (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Leinster (Rodney Parade)
Scarlets v Ulster (Parc y Scarlets)

November 22nd-24th
Treviso v Leinster (Stadio Monigo)
Blues v Munster (Arms Park)
Connacht v Scarlets (Sportsground)
Glasgow v Dragons (Scotstoun)
Ospreys v Zebre (Liberty Stadium)
Ulster v Edinburgh (Ravenhill)

November 29th-December 1st
Treviso v Blues (Stadio Monigo)
Edinburgh v Connacht (Murrayfield)
Leinster v Scarlets (Royal Dublin Society)
Dragons v Munster (Rodney Parade)
Ospreys v Glasgow (Liberty Stadium)
Zebre v Ulster (Stadio XXV Aprile)

December 20th-22nd
Blues v Ospreys (Arms Park)
Connacht v Dragons (Sportsground)
Edinburgh v Leinster (Murrayfield)
Glasgow v Treviso (Scotstoun)
Munster v Scarlets (Thomond Park)
Ulster v Zebre (Ravenhill)

December 27th-29th
Treviso v Zebre (Stadio Monigo)
Edinburgh v Glasgow (Murrayfield)
Leinster v Ulster (Royal Dublin Society)
Munster v Connacht (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Blues (Rodney Parade)
Scarlets v Ospreys (Parc y Scarlets)

January 3rd-5th
Blues v Dragons (Arms Park)
Connacht v Leinster (Sportsground)
Glasgow v Edinburgh (Scotstoun)
Ospreys v Scarlets (Liberty Stadium)
Ulster v Munster (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Treviso (Stadio XXV Aprile)

February 7th-9th
Treviso v Scarlets (Stadio Monigo)
Glasgow v Connacht (Scotstoun)
Munster v Blues (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Edinburgh (Rodney Parade)
Ulster v Ospreys (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Leinster (Stadio XXV Aprile)

February 14th-16th
Blues v Glasgow (Arms Park)
Connacht v Edinburgh (Sportsground)
Leinster v Dragons (Royal Dublin Society)
Munster v Zebre (Thomond Park)
Ospreys v Treviso (Liberty Stadium)
Ulster v Scarlets (Ravenhill)

February 21st-23rd
Treviso v Ulster (Stadio Monigo)
Blues v Leinster (Arms Park)
Dragons v Glasgow (Rodney Parade)
Ospreys v Munster (Liberty Stadium)
Scarlets v Edinburgh (Parc y Scarlets)
Zebre v Connacht (Stadio XXV Aprile)

February 28th – March 2nd
Connacht v Treviso (Sportsground)
Edinburgh v Ospreys (Murrayfield)
Leinster v Glasgow (Royal Dublin Society)
Scarlets v Munster (Parc y Scarlets)
Ulster v Dragons (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Blues (Stadio XXV Aprile)

March 21st-23rd
Edinburgh v Ulster (Murrayfield)
Glasgow v Scarlets (Scotstoun)
Leinster v Zebre (Royal Dublin Society)
Munster v Treviso (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Connacht (Rodney Parade)
Ospreys v Blues (Liberty Stadium)

March 28th-30th
Treviso v Edinburgh (Stadio Monigo)
Blues v Ulster (Arms Park)
Glasgow v Ospreys (Scotstoun)
Leinster v Munster (Royal Dublin Society)
Scarlets v Connacht (Parc y Scarlets)
Zebre v Dragons (Stadio XXV Aprile)

April 11th-13th
Treviso v Dragons (Stadio Monigo)
Edinburgh v Blues (Murrayfield)
Munster v Glasgow (Thomond Park)
Ospreys v Leinster (Liberty Stadium)
Scarlets v Zebre (Parc y Scarlets)
Ulster v Connacht (Ravenhill)

April 18th-20th
Blues v Scarlets (Arms Park)
Connacht v Munster (Sportsground)
Glasgow v Ulster (Scotstoun)
Leinster v Treviso (Royal Dublin Society)
Dragons v Ospreys (Rodney Parade)
Zebre v Edinburgh (Stadio XXV Aprile)

May 2nd-4th
Treviso v Glasgow (Stadio Monigo)
Connacht v Blues (Sportsground)
Edinburgh v Munster (Murrayfield)
Scarlets v Dragons (Parc y Scarlets)
Ulster v Leinster (Ravenhill)
Zebre v Ospreys (Stadio XXV Aprile)

May 9th-11th
Glasgow v Zebre (Scotstoun)
Leinster v Edinburgh (Royal Dublin Society)
Munster v Ulster (Thomond Park)
Dragons v Treviso (Rodney Parade)
Ospreys v Connacht (Liberty Stadium)
Scarlets v Blues (Parc y Scarlets)

May 16th-18th

May 31st