Quinn's injury forces him out

Appropriately for a man with a bad back, Niall Quinn bowed to the inevitable yesterday and withdrew from the Republic of Ireland…

Appropriately for a man with a bad back, Niall Quinn bowed to the inevitable yesterday and withdrew from the Republic of Ireland squad to meet Cyprus and Andorra in the forthcoming World Cup qualifiers.

At the third time of asking, Quinn has accepted the advice of his consultant and will have an immediate four-week break from competitive football.

Following discussions with his manager at Sunderland, Peter Reid, Quinn took the decision with great reluctance yesterday, but he remains hopeful that the required rest will have a restorative effect on the prolapsed disc and trapped nerves in his lower back that have so affected his participation recently. Thus he intends to be available for both Sunderland and the Republic later in the season.

"I think it's time to listen to the doctor," Quinn said. "On the other two occasions we haven't done that and I've played on."


Mick McCarthy, when informed of the bad news, said: "It's a big blow for Niall and Ireland but fortunately I have a near full-strength squad to choose from."

McCarthy will now await anxiously to hear from his other strikers playing this weekend, and of a defender, Tottenham's Gary Doherty, who may well end up being seen as the most like-for-like replacement for Quinn.

There was better news for Bradford and Republic of Ireland centre half Andrew O'Brien, who was the subject of a £1 million bid - plus £500,000 subject to appearances - from Bobby Robson's Newcastle United. The only possible hitch in the deal is Bradford's insistence on a 20 per cent sell-on clause. However, the deal is expected to go through in the next few days.

Michael Walker

Michael Walker

Michael Walker is a contributor to The Irish Times, specialising in soccer