Two of the drugs in Tiger Woods’ toxicology report banned by PGA Tour

Hydromorphone plus its link to Dilaudid and delta-9 listed as prohibited ‘drugs of abuse’

Tiger Woods says he took prescribed medication to treat insomnia and his back pain. Photograph: Reuters

Two of five the items named in a toxicology report relating to the arrest of Tiger Woods appear on the PGA Tour's list of banned substances. Woods was subject to testing after being charged with driving under the influence when at the wheel of his car in Florida in late May.

Woods has now admitted a lesser charge of reckless driving, which means a small fine and completion of a rehabilitation programme.

The toxicology report, issued from the Palm Beach County sheriff’s office, said Woods had hydrocodone, the generic form of a painkiller branded as Vicodin; hydromorphone, a painkiller known as Dilaudid; alprazolam, a mood and sleep drug known as Xanax; zolpidem, a sleep drug known as Ambien; and delta-9 carboxy THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in his system.

Hydromorphone plus its link to Dilaudid and delta-9 are listed as prohibited “drugs of abuse” on page 24 of the Tour’s current anti-doping guide.


The Tour always refuses to discuss individual cases in respect of such matters. When contacted by the Guardian, a PGA Tour spokesperson referred questions to the anti-doping manual. Speaking separately, the PGA Tour's commissioner, Jay Monahan, offered Woods public support. "As he has stated previously, Tiger is remorseful about his actions and committed to correcting his mistakes going forward," Monahan said.

“As I’ve said before, the tour is committed to helping him in any way we can, as he is a member of our family. We will have no further comment on this matter.”

It remains unclear whether tests as carried out by the police would be valid for PGA Tour sanction or, indeed, whether Woods had a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) for the substances in question. The difference between the Tour’s stated “drugs of abuse violations” versus “anti-doping rule violations” is vague.

A spokesman for Woods, when asked if the 14-times major champion had any form of TUE or similar, said he had “nothing to add” to Woods’ statement on Monday. In it Woods admitted to self-administering of medication. He said: “Recently I had been trying on my own to treat my back pain and a sleep disorder, including insomnia, but I realise now it was a mistake to do this without medical assistance.

“ I am continuing to work with my doctors, and they feel I’ve made significant progress. I remain grateful for the amazing support that I continue to receive and for the family and friends that are assisting me.”

Woods checked into a clinic in June to help deal with his prescription drug use. He said in July he had completed treatment, since which time he has been photographed several times in public, including with the new US PGA champion, Justin Thomas, at dinner on Monday.

In June, the PGA Tour announced it would finally introduce blood testing for players, in line with World Anti-Doping Agency procedures.

Guardian services