Fennell's transfer application finally wins official support

DUBLIN FOOTBALLER Eamon Fennell’s long-running club transfer saga is finally over with the Dublin county committee last night…

DUBLIN FOOTBALLER Eamon Fennell’s long-running club transfer saga is finally over with the Dublin county committee last night recommending his request to leave O’Toole’s and join St Vincent’s be granted.

Fennell made his most recent appeal to be allowed to move clubs to the Dublin county management committee last Thursday.

His fate thus rested on their recommendation to refer it to the county committee, and on the decision of last night’s meeting which was essentially the last roll of the dice in his four-year transfer request. Fennell himself made a personal address to the committee. The Dublin midfielder’s attempts to join St Vincent’s have been repeatedly rejected, essentially because of O’Toole’s refusal to approve his transfer request.

When the matter first came before the county board last year the vote was initially split, before his fate was decided by the casting vote of then Dublin chairman Gerry Harrington.


Fennell then took his case to the DRA, which recommended the case be referred back to Dublin, where a second vote came out overwhelmingly in favour of O’Toole’s, and it was that decision Fennell once again appealed last night.

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan is an Irish Times sports journalist writing on athletics