Fanagan is fully fit for the fray

WALKER CUP player Jody Fanagan, who was forced to prematurely halt his involvement in last week's Irish Amateur Open because …

WALKER CUP player Jody Fanagan, who was forced to prematurely halt his involvement in last week's Irish Amateur Open because of the recurrence of a back injury, is confident such preventive action will ensure he'll be 100 per cent fit for Ireland's hosting of the European Amateur Team Championship at Portmarnock next week.

Indeed, Fanagan - like a number of his Irish team colleagues - hopes he will be able to assist his club in the opening round of the Leinster qualifying section of the Barton Shield at The Island on Saturday. "I feel fine now," said Fanagan yesterday. "I'm just a little stiff, but there was nothing to be gained by playing the final two rounds in Fota. The risk would have been too high."

As things stand, Fanagan's decision was a wise one. The Milltown player has been able to undergo a number of physiotherapy sessions to enable him combat the back strain which occurred freakishly when he bent down at work. "I'm happy that there is no permanent damage and I am looking forward to what should be a terrific championship," he insisted.

Irish captain Mick Craddock has given his five team members involved the go-ahead to play with their clubs - if they desire - in the Barton Shield qualifiers on Saturday, as long as they are present when the team officially gathers that evening. However, the players won't be allowed to play with their clubs in the competition on Sunday as the national team will be finalising preparations for the Europeans.


Craddock has arranged for the team - Fanagan, Keith Nolan, Peter Lawrie, Garth McGimpsey, Richie Coughlan and Noel Fox - to have a session with sports psychologist Harry Wallace on Sunday morning, followed by a practice session with GUI national coach Howard Bennett.

Visiting teams are due to arrive here over the weekend, although official practice - under EGA rules - won't be allowed on the course until Monday and Tuesday next. However, there is a lot of confidence that the Irish team is capable of mounting a strong challenge for a title last claimed at Murhol, Austria, in 1987.

Indeed, it is a busy weekend on the club front too, with the Leinster qualifying sections of the Barton Shield arranged for The Island, Laytown & Bettystown, Rathsallagh and Rosslare. The international players involved are: Fanagan (Milltown), Fox (Portmarnock), Nolan (Bray) and Lawrie (Newlands) - all at the Island which, given its links terrain, should provide a useful competitive workout - and Coughlan (Birr) at Rathsallagh.

Five clubs will progress from the Island to contest the Leinster finals at Birr on August 1st and 2nd, with one club emerging from the three other venues.

Meanwhile, the opening matchplay rounds of the Irish Senior Cup in Ulster are planned for Portadown and Castlerock on Sunday. Like the Leinster players, McGimpsey is also ruled out from club competition on Sunday as international preparations take precedence. Four teams will progress to the Ulster finals to be held at Lisburn on August 29th.

Peter Lawrie and Richie Coughlan, meanwhile, withdrew from last weekend's Waterford Scratch Cup to rest before the European championships. Irish champion Lawrie has only recently recovered from an attack of chickenpox, while Coughlan felt he would benefit from a break. The Birr player returned home from his scholarship in Clemson College last week and finished tied second in the Irish Amateur at Fota Island.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times