Extra £1 m for sport

The Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, James McDaid, has announced details of a £1 million package which will be used…

The Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, James McDaid, has announced details of a £1 million package which will be used for the development of sport. The money is in addition to the funds already allocated in the budget.

It appears that the Government are now prepared to fund sport directly, rather than deal indirectly through the Olympic Council of Ireland.

In a statement, the Minister outlines three new initiatives. First, the preparation of a carding system for high-performance competitors. This allows athletes access to advice on medical sports science, physiology, nutrition and access to training facilities.

In addition, there is also a commitment to help national governing bodies in the long-term development of their athletes, coaching, coaching systems and administration. Finally, grants for safety and sports equipment will be handed out to a number of sporting organisations.


McDaid said: "1997 represents a transition year as existing practises and procedures are being reviewed. From now on, I will be asking the national governing bodies to outline their goals and strategies when applying for funding and to prepare four-year strategic plans.

"I hope that by developing a more focused sports strategy for 1998 and onwards into the 21st century that Ireland will build on its strong sporting traditions."

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer