As consumer demand grows for great food served casually, the food truck phenomenon – well-established in US and UK cities – may finally hit these shores. The food truck culture has historic roots in North America, but since 2008 its focus shifted from feeding workers at construction sites to feeding foodies seeking fun food experiences. Pioneers harnessed the potential offered by social media, using Twitter to not only tell people where to find their roving outposts but what they would find on that day’s menu.
Irish food writer Caroline Byrne will utilise Twitter for her new food truck, a collaboration with Katie Cantwell of KC Peaches. The Fat Peach food truck will be coming to a business park, industrial estate, music festival and city centre street near you by early June, delivering hearty “manwiches” (“big fat roast beef sandwiches”) . Besides keeping track of the converted ambulance’s whereabouts, Twitter followers (@thefatpeach) can avail of exclusive Tweet-deals.
Hybrids of the food truck breed already exist here in Ireland: mobile units with semi-permanent residences but the potential to hit the road. Gaillot & Gray’s Citroën H van serves wood-fired pizza in a Greystones carpark five nights of the week– unless it’s feeding private parties or festival goers. John Farrell’s upcoming joint venture with Dublin City Council will feature an Airstream (see abo ve) fitted with a state-of-the-art kitchen, but plans for its South Great George’s Street site include retractable umbrellas and a replanted 10-year-old oak.