RTÉ exporting the arts

Sir, – Feargus Ó Raghallaigh is right (Letters, October 8th). The sale of five art works from its collection at public auction in London by RTÉ should be stopped ("RTÉ to sell five piece of artworks at public auctions next month", News, October 5th). While I know from personal knowledge as a former member of RTÉ's board of management, the difficulty of running a complex broadcasting organisation with inadequate funds, the proceeds of the sale will contribute a paltry sum to the total budget. And a significant part of our national treasure will be lost to this country.

It is particularly disturbing to see George Campbell’s magnificent painting of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra being included in the parcel of work for sale. This canvas was commissioned by RTÉ and was so highly prized that in 1998 a limited edition of expensive prints was made of it to mark the golden jubilee of the orchestra. It should be hanging in the National Concert Hall, not a London auction room. – Yours, etc,


(Director of News


RTÉ, 1974-1990)

Mount Merrion,

Co Dublin.