Youth Assembly on Climate

Sir, – Further to "Climate change: Ireland's youth take charge of the Dáil – for a day" (News, November 15th), how edifying to see our Dáil chamber full of enthusiastic and intelligent young people making their case for action on climate change coherently and convincingly! What a change from the usual sparse attendance by our TDs who are charged with legislating for the citizens who have elected them. A change too from the usual puerile point-scoring that passes for debate.

It has been sickening these past weeks listening to the half-excuses from our well-paid TDs as to who and how often some of them have voted in the chamber.

As if the act of voting was all that was required, when what is required is full debate in the chamber and not the unseemly rush to the chamber when the bell rings.

Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl advised the young debaters to “park their fear” and “apply their optimism, realism and knowledge to the task”. Our TDs should listen to the Ceann Comhairle’s advice and fill the chamber with their presence and their intelligent debate. It might go some distance to solving our many problems. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Some 157 young people attended the Youth Assembly on climate change in the Dáil.

And no instances of attendees “fobbing in” or pressing the voting buttons of others. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin .

Sir, – What a wonderful sight to see the Dáil without an empty seat as our youth debated our future.

It contrasts very directly with those actually elected to do the same on our behalf when any debate of any significance is rarely attended by even 50 per cent of our TDs of all political persuasions, with many important debates happening in an almost empty chamber.

Not only that, but our young tigers actually emerged in a single day with a list of recommendations that should cause everyone to sit up and take notice. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.