Wind energy and climate change

Sir, – It was somewhat surprising to read that wind energy cannot replace fossil fuels (Letters, December 31st) when it has been doing just that very thing at an increasing rate around the world and particularly here in Ireland.

Perhaps some facts might be helpful. In 2019, according to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, wind energy provided 32 per cent of Ireland’s electricity, displacing almost four million tonnes of CO2. Provisional figures for 2020 indicate wind’s share of electricity demand rose to around 37 per cent.

Wind energy saves more CO2 emissions than every other renewable technology used in Ireland combined and does so while pushing down the wholesale price of electricity, creating Irish jobs and reducing our dependency on fossil fuel imports. Climate change is real. It is not a myth. It is not a conspiracy manufactured by scientists and wind farm developers. It is the single biggest threat our society has ever faced and key to meeting this challenge is to replace fossil fuels and cut our CO2 emissions.

Wind energy cannot do this alone. But as part of a suite of renewable energy technologies and alongside a stronger transmission grid we will provide 70 per cent of our electricity by 2030 and build a zero-carbon electricity system in Ireland. – Yours, etc,



Head of Public Affairs,

Irish Wind Energy


Naas, Co Kildare.