What sort of Brexit?

Sir, – At this stage in the negotiations we have all heard what kind of Brexit the UK is aiming for. It may be hard or soft, it may be red, white and blue, it may be a cherry-picked or a have-your-cake-and-eat-it Brexit, or possibly a cliff-edge Brexit.

The only thing for certain is that it will be miserable for nearly all of us. Ireland is right to fear the economic result, but Ireland is better placed to recover more quickly as part of the EU.

My adopted country is about to take a leap back to a world that does not exist, and we shall be all the poorer for it.

A small island in the North Atlantic with no longer an empire and with little influence in the 21st century.


You, I am afraid will have your Border back, and there is a very real danger of a return to troubled times. But please know that your children and grandchildren will have better opportunities than mine. – Yours, etc,



Hampshire, England.

A chara, – The realisation that Britain wants to have its cake and eat it will dismay those who expected the negotiations to be a piece of cake, and though the French may be tempted to let them eat cake, and while Mr Kipling may make exceedingly good cakes, the Irish must insist on a fair slicing of the cake lest the fruitcakes get a no-deal Brexit which would be the icing on their cake. – Is mise,


Dublin 24.