‘Weaponising misinformation’

Sir, – British defence minister Michael Fallon has accused Russia of “weaponisng misinformation” in order to destabilise countries and undermine the “international rules-based system” (February 3rd).

A little humility would be in order from the defence minister of the country that accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction, and with such terrible consequences.

There is a huge misinformation campaign against Russia going on at present.

One small example is the way Vladimir Putin’s comments lamenting the passing of the Soviet Union are shouted from the rooftops, while his statement that only a madman would try to reinstate it are not reported. Mr Putin has said the idea of Russia attacking a Nato country is madness, and his foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says Russia wants to pursue a pragmatic, sensible foreign policy in working with the West to further mutual interests.


We should be talking to the Russian president, for the sake of the Syrian people, the people of Ukraine, the people of Russia (no doubt mainly the poor) who are suffering from sanctions. – Yours, etc,

