Waste management and rural areas

Sir, – Your article "All homes to have brown bins in bid to improve waste management" (News, December 30th) demonstrates the latest disconnect from reality by this Fine Gael Government. Here in rural Donegal, we have no bins at all. Private contractors will not send vehicles down our lesser roads, so we have to take all waste to the recycling centre ourselves and "pay as we go". Our peat bogs are cluttered with debris from people who can't be bothered to do this.

This time last year you reported that all households would have to prove to council officials that they were disposing of waste properly. My complaint to Donegal County Council that this was impossible as the “tip” does not issue receipts was met with the response that they had no current plans to introduce such house calls.

Readers in rural areas should take all announcements on future waste-management arrangements from Minister for the Environment Richard Bruton with a pinch of salt. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.