Vaccines and choice

A chara, – The absence of duress is a prerequisite for valid informed consent. Informed consent is a basic principle in the provision of medical interventions, including vaccination.

I am sympathetic to those of the 60 to 69 age group who perceive duress in the manner in which Covid vaccination is available to them (AstraZeneca solely).

The “back of the queue” approach essentially dismisses concerns a person in this cohort may have about receiving this particular vaccine. There is no timely alternative on offer despite other vaccines being available.

Choice is an ever-popular buzzword in healthcare discourse on a variety of issues. It is not practical for every person to choose which Covid vaccine they get. However, it is quite something to see choice so wholly curtailed by the Government for an age cohort statistically at higher risk from Covid.


Flexibility and the recognition of nuance remain essential in healthcare, crisis or not. – Yours, etc,


Donegal Town.