Underfunding of disability services

A chara, – I would like to commend The Irish Times on highlighting the issue of the underfunding of the voluntary disability services (Front page, August 3rd).

I fear that the Bank Holiday, the death of John Hume, as well as coronavirus, will all mean that the issue will be quickly forgotten.

All parents of people with disabilities should make sure their local TD is not allowed to forget and all national bodies claiming to speak on behalf of people with disabilities need to get together and bring it forcefully to the Government’s attention.

The HSE knows the current situation is unsustainable. There is an explosion waiting to happen unless action is taken immediately. In 38 years of working in a voluntary capacity as a parent with a Section 39 agency I have never known the situation as bad as it is now.


May I take the opportunity to thank all the managers and staff who do such wonderful work in such a difficult environment. They deserve better. – Yours, etc,


Co. Mayo.