UK election was worth every penny

Sir, – I profoundly disagree with Kathy Sheridan's view that the recent UK election was a waste of money ("May should apologise to the people of Britain", Opinion & Analysis, June 14th.) It was timely and appropriate because the UK is about to embark on its most important set of negotiations in decades. Having voted Remain in last year's referendum, I have long wanted to have a say on the version of Brexit to be pursued. Last week, we voters did just that, by electing the negotiating team.

It is a simple fact that many of us wanted a vote on what comes next.

Your columnist fails to mention that the decision to proceed with a snap election was made jointly by both Labour and the Conservatives. The decision required the approval of two-thirds of MPs, and was supported by an overwhelming majority.

I could hardly believe Kathy Sheridan wanted me to be denied any say because she thinks £2 per person is too expensive. Ironically, her dismissive attitude is reminiscent of how Vote Leave endlessly moaned that Britain sends £350 million a week to Brussels, while ignoring what we get in return. The election has given a lot in return. We got to decide where Britain is going. The huge numbers of disillusioned young voters have been heard. The days of Northern Ireland being sidelined and ignored are over. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Oh, the irony. Direct rule of Westminster from Northern Ireland! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.