Trump’s speech and the UN

Sir, – The only reassurance Donald Trump provided to America’s allies, and all other nations, is that he retains a vitriolic world view that can have disastrous ramifications for all.

His incendiary rhetoric at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday displayed his belief he can bluster any opponent into submission. North Korea and Iran do pose significant risks to their regions. However, Mr Trump’s boast that he is willing to destroy an entire nation because of the recklessness of its leader does nothing but increase the risk of catastrophic conflict. – Yours, etc,


Dungarvan, Co Waterford.


Sir, – Donald Trump has berated the UN for being ineffective and in need of reform. How can it be effective when each and every one of the five permanent members of the Security Council has a veto over the rest of the world? If the UN finally showed some guts, got rid of the veto and replaced it with a qualified majority, then the world could be a much better, safer place in which to live. – Yours, etc,


Templeogue, Dublin 6W.

Sir, – As a fellow fan, I feel I should warn President Trump that using Elton John song titles could be a two-edged sword ("US president tells UN 'Rocket Man is on a suicide mission'" September 20th). Mr Trump's critics might be tempted to use another song title from the same time in Elton's career, Madman Across the Water! – Yours, etc,



Sir, – I have many issues with President Trump’s policymaking and judgments, but that was one heck of a speech he gave at the UN. He left no doubt in my mind where his administration stands when it comes to keeping the United States safe! – Yours, etc,


Mooresville, North Carolina.