Trump and the Kurds

Sir, – Some 45 years ago, the US secretary of state Henry Kissinger gave the green light for the Turkish invasion of the Republic of Cyprus.

Seven days ago, the president of the United States Donald Trump gave the green light for the Turkish invasion of the northeastern part of Syria, predominantly populated by Kurds. Despite the utter brutality and distraction of both invasions, the Turkish authorities refer to them, most nauseatingly, the peace operation and the peace spring operation, respectively.

History repeats itself but we seem to learn nothing from it. The loss of life, the obliteration of towns and villages and the unbearable sight of kilometres-long multitudes of refugees leaving the war zones continue unabated. The verbal condemnation of Turkey by the UN and the EU and the meaningless threat by Mr Trump to “totally destroy and obliterate the economy of Turkey” all fall on deaf ears.

It is shameful, and it is heartbreaking! – Yours, etc,



Senior Fellow Emeritus,

Trinity College Dublin,

Dublin 2.