Transition year is good for society

Sir, – As a current transition year student, I disagree with Nick Bucknell's view that the year is a waste of time (Letters, October 13th).

Transition year is a time to adjust for the senior cycle and to grow from our time in the junior cycle.

For students, having that time allows us to look at the wider world around us.

We are taught that our voice matters, that our decisions matter, and how we can shape the future of our society.


Transition year shows that education is not only about passing exams through five years of study, but is also about our individual development and the acknowledgment of social and global issues.

By understanding our world and our role in it, we create a citizenry that can think about the bigger picture, see the opportunities around us, and be ready for life outside a sheltered school system.

Even in a pandemic, we learn values not studied for any exam, and we are challenged to make our voices heard.

Take this away and school-leavers would fail to help fully in addressing issues in our society.– Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.