Traffic and congestion

Sir, – I’m sure you and your readers have noticed the huge decrease in congestion and traffic in the morning in the last few weeks. The school holidays bring a welcome break to all commuters.

This huge increase in traffic for the school run should not be the accepted norm.

The use of public transport and car-pooling must be encouraged at all levels. We must look to reduce pollution in our towns and cities while pushing for a more environmental approach to day-to-day life. The extreme weather – huge snowfall in March and the recent heatwave (the worst in 42 years) – show how our climate is changing.

The ultimate goal, however, should be moving our schoolchildren out of cars and back to their bikes or walking to school. A recent survey showed that more girls drive themselves to secondary school than cycle.


Ireland has an issue with obesity, with about a third of children being obese, and by the year 2030 some 90 per cent of adults will be obese.

Investment in cycling infrastructure that is safe and convenient has so many benefits to the community and the children involved.

It is important to commit to a project that is not “lines on the road or path”, but a plan that provides safe segregated cycle lanes that will keep children away from traffic and pedestrians alike.

The ultimate question when designing the infrastructure should always be, “Would I let my son or daughter use it?” – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.