The UK and international law

Sir, – The utterances emanating from senior figures within Boris Johnson’s government are getting more bizarre by the day. It might actually be amusing if the stakes weren’t so high. They are offering anyone who wishes to observe a perfect lesson in how to trash your own reputation with no outside interference.

The latest example is a quote published in The Irish Times (September 14th), attributed to the British justice secretary Robert Buckland. In defending the proposed Bill, he said the following: “If I see the rule of law being broken in a way that I find unacceptable, then of course I will go.”

Is this supposed to represent some kind of declaration of his devotion to principle? I would be interested to know what ways of breaking the rule of law he actually does find acceptable. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6 .

Sir, – Tony Blair has come out to decry forcefully the British government’s latest stance on Brexit (World, September 14th).

It is interesting that he is so sure of political matters now, considering his appalling judgment regarding the war in Iraq.

A little more humility and a little less verbal posturing might be warranted. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.