The Phoenix Park and Chesterfield Avenue

Sir, – As a frequent walker and jogger in the Phoenix Park, my reaction to the absence of parked cars on Chesterfield Avenue is the opposite of Eileen Lynch's (Letters, April 29th), in that I believe it enhances rather than detracts from the avenue's "broad sweep" and "feeling of space and welcome to the park". Panoramic views from one side of the park to the other are now possible, unencumbered by rows of parked cars, and immeasurably enhancing the avenue's aesthetic impact.

While I might have preferred a raised kerb rather than the OPW’s choice of bollards to demarcate the cycle lane, overall the changes have considerably enhanced the park’s beauty.

Ms Lynch is mistaken in her belief that the avenue is a protected structure, although that designation does apply to the Phoenix Monument. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.