Tearing up Trump’s speech

Sir, – After Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi “deliberately tore up her copy” of President Trump’s State of the Union speech to Congress, she explained to reporters: “It was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative. It was such a dirty speech.”

Ms Pelosi may have been inspired by the example of celebrated German musician Max Reeger, who after reading a savage review by critic Rudolph Louis in 1906, penned him a letter: “I am sitting in the smallest room of my house. I have your review before me. In a moment it will be behind me!”

President Trump’s refusal to shake the extended hand of his host – the lady who invited him to speak in the House – violated the common rules of etiquette and courtesy.

But for a president who violated his responsibilities to uphold the US constitution, this should come as no surprise. – Yours, etc,




Maine, US.