Targets for easing of lockdowns

Sir, – Since the pandemic gripped the country and lockdowns became an essential component of the strategy for living with Covid, the Government has used simple timelines which create expectations, expectations which are dashed, more often than not.

Reports suggest that a new timeline for easing of Level 5 may be set for mid-March, around St Patrick’s Day.

The instinct to offer hope is understandable, but hope must be realistic – a constant series of disappointments is extremely damaging psychologically.

Surely it is time to redefine what success looks like with quantitative targets which will trigger easing of restrictions; these could be new cases, vaccinations administered, and hospital loading.


It is always best to face up to harsh facts. When people are treated like adults, the vast majority are likely to behave like adults, and the majority now know it would be madness to consider any significant easing restrictions this side of Easter. – Yours, etc,


Rathmines, Dublin 6.