Switching health insurance providers

Sir, – Consumer advocates always advise to switch service providers as often as is practical to ensure one receives the best possible value.

I have to agree that this is sound advice and is somewhat easy to understand in terms of utilities such as gas and electricity where there are very few, if not one variable, ie price. The same applies more or less for the likes of car and home insurance.

It does appear that there is a free and relatively uncomplicated market at work here.

The landscape changes dramatically when one approaches health insurance.


While the Government is trying to help by providing websites which help an individual compare plans, the fact is that the three suppliers in Ireland have been placed in a position where they have been allowed to make switching suppliers a complex undertaking.

I have used the official website to compare my current plan and was provided with 39 alternatives. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Two subjects that are always guaranteed to be shrouded in mystery are pensions and health insurance. I wonder why? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.